Jom Karnival Rakyat Bersih di Kuala Terengganu 22 Feb
 Posted on Friday, February 01 @ 21:08:07 EST by reformis
 Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) mengambil keputusan untuk 
mengadakan Jom karnival rakyat di Kuala Terengganu pada 22 Febuari ini ekoran 
kegagalan mendapatkan lokasi di ibu negara.

Ahli Jawatankuasa (AJK) Bersih, Dr Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi berkata, karnival 
tersebut diadakan di atas premis persendirian di kawasan Pantai Batu Buruk di 
Kuala Terengganu mulai jam 3 petang.

Pada sebelah malam pula, kata beliau, satu perhimpunan rakyat secara 
besar-besaran akan diadakan di pusat bandaraya Kuala Terengganu.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, pihaknya tidak akan memohon permit dari pihak berkuasa 
termasuk polis bagi mengadakan karnival  tersebut.

"Bersih berpendirian tidak perlu memohon permit kerana ia premis persendirian. 
Sama ada ia dibenarkan polis atau tidak, karnival tersebut akan tetap 
diadakan,"  katanya dalam sidang media di ibu negara hari ini.

Dr Syed Azman yang juga AJK PAS berkata, pihaknya gagal untuk mendapatkan 
lokasi yang dipohon di ibu negara termasuk di Stadium Melawati di Shah Alam.

Katanya, pihak pengurusan Stadium Negara, Stadium Merdeka dan Dataran Merdeka 
telah menolak permohonan bersih untuk mengadakan karnival rakyat di lokasi 

Memo kedua

Selepas gagal mendapatkan lokasi di ibu negara, Bersih mahu mengadakan karnival 
tersebut di Kelantan, bagaimanapun lokasi yang dikenalpasti sesuai telah 
ditempah oleh pihak lain.

Berikutan itu, kata beliau, pihaknya terpaksa mengadakan karnival tersebut di 
Kuala Terengganu.

Sementara itu, Dr Syed Azman berkata, Bersih akan menghantar memorandum kedua 
kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, menuntut diadakan pilihanraya yang adil dan 
bersih pada 15 Februari ini.

Katanya, pihak Istana Negara telah dimaklumkan mengenai perkara tersebut.

Pada 11 November lalu, kira-kira 30,000 rakyat berkumpul di kawasan Istana 
Negara apabila Bersih menghantar memorandum bagi menuntut pilihanraya yang adil 
dan dan bersih.

Antara pemimpin pembangkang yang terbabit dalam perhimpunan tersebut ialah 
Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim; Presiden PAS, 
Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan ketua pembangkang di Parlimen, Lim Kit Siang. - 
JOM BERSIH!!!                                                                   
K. T’ganu venue for Jom Bersih bash                  Andrew Ong | Feb 1, 08 
 The venue for electoral reforms group Bersih’s second mass rally, dubbed the 
‘Jom Bersih’ carnival, will now be held in Kuala Terengganu instead of the 
Klang Valley.

 Bersih secretariat member Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi told reporters today 
that Bersih failed to book a large capacity venue, despite having approached 
many stadium owners throughout the Klang Valley.

 The group now plans to hold the event, possibly on a private property, in 
Kuala Terengganu on Feb 22 instead of Feb 23 as originally planned.

 Another Bersih secretariat member Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad said it was important to 
proceed with the event as it would include programmes to instill public 
awareness on the need for clean and fair polls.

 “Regardless of when the general election is going to be held, we are 
determined to continue with ‘Jom Bersih’ because so far, the Election 
Commission (EC) has only met one of our demands,” he told the same press 
conference in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

 EC had, after several meetings with Bersih delegates last year, announced late 
in the year that it would implement the use of indelible ink to mark voters who 
had cast their ballots.

 EC chairperson Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said in August last year that the 
move was to put to rest claims by opposition parties that there were ‘phantom 
voters’ who would cast their votes more than once.

 Sending message
 However, Bersih has repeatedly argued that EC had failed to heed other demands 
such as the abolishment of postal votes, ‘cleaning up’ the electoral rolls and 
extending campaigning periods to at least 21 days.

 Following this, Bersih held a mass rally on Nov 10 where an estimated 30,000 
people flooded the streets of Kuala Lumpur in a procession to accompany Bersih 
leaders in handing over a petition to the king.

 On whether Bersih was bowing out to pressure from the authorities not to hold 
the event in the Klang Valley, Dzulkifli said that Bersih had never intended to 
be confrontational.
 “Our purpose is to send a message across that the people want free and fair 
elections,” he said.

 Earlier at the press conference, the Bersih representatives held a symbolic 
tearing of photocopies of Abdul Rashid’s portrait. The scraps of paper was then 
thrown into a garbage bin.

 Asked on the purpose of the move, Dzulkifli said Bersih wanted to send a 
message to Abdul Rashid that he was hampering efforts to reform the electoral 

 “Our purpose is not to attack Abdul Rashid as an individual. However, we are 
of the opinion that he is the greatest stumbling block to electoral reforms.

 “Instead of concentrating on our demands, he had instead (among others) 
encouraged us to boycott the elections. How can he say that as the person 
entrusted to run elections in Malaysia?” said Dzulkifli.

 Indelible ink
 Previously, Abdul Rashid had warned Bersih that he would implement the 
shortest campaigning period ever should they continue their electoral reforms 

 On Wednesday, it was reported that Abdul Rashid threatened to sue those who 
take to the streets and discredit the EC.

 Abdul Rashid also claimed that such individuals were “traitors” for hurting 
the image of the country where vote-rigging is “not possible”.

 Another Bersih secretariat member Wong Chin Huat said Abdul Rashid should 
rightfully be more concerned on his pledge last year to implement the use of 
indelible ink.

 Wong said Abdul Rashid had yet to table any amendments to elections laws that 
would legislate the use of indelible ink.

 Should the laws not be passed, Wong said voters can demand not to be subjected 
to being marked with the indelible ink.

 “The rightful thing for him to do now is to advise the prime minister to defer 
the elections until after the next parliamentary sitting where the amendments 
can be passed,” he said.

Lawati laman 10November di http://10nov.himpunan.info/
Lawati laman Bersih di http://bersih.org/
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