Syeikh Bakr Abu Zayd Meninggal: berita dari multaqa
ahli hadeeth, english 
Posted by : ska on Wednesday, February 06, 2008 -
01:13 PM CCT
 Assalamualaikum wrt... 

Saya baca berita menyedihkan ini dari Multaqa Ahli
Hadeeth [English], dari Syiekh Haitham. 

Assalamu Alykum Warahmatullah. 

The man who was described as: Ibnul Qayyim of recent
times has passed away earlier today. 

In addition to being the president of the
International Islamic Fiqh Council, Shaikh Bakr bin
Abdullah Abu Zaid RA was a member of the permanent
fatwa committee in Saudi Arabia. 

His vast collection of writings covered almost all
aspects of religion, from Aqeedah, Quraan and Hadeeth
… to Adab, Usool and linguistics. 

He even has a book on the Islamic etiquettes of using
the phone! And another on scholars who never married! 

Allah SWT has granted him a rare ability of eloquent
composition and strong Bayaan. 

One of his greatest virtues was that he was among the
first to begin the fight against the recent Fitna of

He was trusted by great scholars of AhlulHadeeth,
including Shaikhs Bin Baaz and bin Utheimeen. 

All we can say: Inna Lillahi Wa Innaa Iillahi

May Allah SWT grant Abu Abdillah forgiveness and a
place better than his place in this life. 

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