Bread and butter matters
  PETALING JAYA: The cost of living, social issues, the crime rate and illegal 
immigrants - these are the issues that matter most to Malaysian voters, 
according to a survey conducted ahead of the general election.        These 
bread and butter issues are the prime concern of voters now.       Even hot 
issues like politics ranked lower than economic factors and crime.       The 
survey revealed that 96% of respondents were concerned with the current 
economic situation such as the rising cost of consumer goods, while 88% said 
they were worried about the incidents of crime in the country.                  
     Dr Syed Arabi: 'Certainly the Government is not passive about these issues'
The opinion poll was commissioned by The Star and carried out by the 
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). It involved 2,930 respondents 
and was conducted in 58 clusters in 12 states in the peninsula from Dec 8 to 
Dec 29 last year. The survey has a margin of error of less than 4%.       
¡§Economic issues were considered important to Malaysians,¡¨ said the IIUM Dean 
of the Communications Department Prof Datuk Dr Syed Arabi Idid, who headed the 
survey.       ¡§People are concerned over the rising prices of basic 
necessities and the high cost of living, especially with the looming global oil 
prices.       ¡§Crime is also a worry to them,¡¨ he said yesterday.    However, 
Dr Syed Arabi said the Government did respond to these concerns.       He cited 
the National Price Council as one of the measures taken to tackle the rising 
prices of consumer items and cost of living. Under the price council, the 
Government announced recently that a national stockpile of essential
 goods like rice and cooking oil would be created to ensure that prices and 
supply remained stable at all times.       The price council, headed by Prime 
Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, will monitor, advise and oversee the 
government's price policy, competitive market structures and the efficiency of 
subsidy schemes.       The price council is also aimed at preventing unfair and 
collusive trade practices affecting supply and prices of essential goods and 
services, and eventually softening the impact of rising prices on the cost of 
living.       ¡§The prime minister himself has gone to the ground to initiate 
measures to beef up security, such as rehiring capable retired police 
officers,¡¨ said Dr Syed Arabi.       Abdullah, who is also the Internal 
Security Minister, announced recently that there would be a police station at 
every corner, and more than 3,000 more patrol cars and 4,000 motorcycles would 
be deployed to combat crime.        He also said that 60,000
 police personnel would be recruited, while the police department would rent 
shoplots to set up the police stations.       A total of 1,756 respondents were 
aged between 21 and 35, 1,181 respondents polled were in the 36-50 age group, 
and 719 respondents were those above 51 years old.       The third main concern 
of the respondents was the influx of foreigners into the country, with 40% 
regarding it as a problem.       This was followed by other concerns on 
politics, unity, the environment, internal and external threats, road traffic 
problems and leadership.       Prof Dr Syed Arabi said 2% of respondents 
expressed concern over internal and external threats and considered the rising 
number of vehicles as a bane, while only 1% said leaders must be proven to be 
capable. -  the star

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