Alhamdulillahi ala kulli hal ..

"M. Firdaus Ibrahim" wrote:
  Yang ingin di "highlight" kan bukanlah suatu masalah... tapi nak bagitau 
inilah satu rahamat yang Allah bagi apabila berada di bawah naungan Islam. 
Belum lagi MB Ustaz Azizan keluarkan sebarang kenyataan ttg perkara2 tersebut 
rakyat telah mula sedar dan ambil langkah. Inilah yang dikatakan dakwah bil 
hal. Tanpa perlu banyak bicara orang sudah memahami. 

"Abd Mutalib Ibrahim" wrote:
      Reality bites in PAS-led Kedah means (as per article):
1. Concern that beer cannot be consumed openly.
2.Concern that Muslims women need to cover up their heads and other
body parts as required by Islam..
3 Concern that lavish event cannot be held anymore.
4. Worry about future but could not properly identify what are they.

So what is really the problem? Anyone has any problem with the above
concern. Pls respond.

>>> "M. Firdaus Ibrahim" 11/03/2008 09:42 >>>
ALOR STAR: The realities of living and working under a PAS-led Kedah
are beginning to take effect. Hotels and entertainment outlets are
already making "adjustments" they deem necessary to suit the
unprecedented political environment here. A top hotel in the town
centre here has removed its beer till at the coffee house. 
Expecting good business: Anis (left) helping customer Sharifah
Mastura, 65, adjust her headscarf as two other customers, Sakinah
(right) and Siti, look on in Alor Star Monday.
"Beer will still be sold. We just don't want to make it obvious,"
said an executive. Another hotel is reviewing the dress code for
staff. "We do not think skirts will be suitable any more," said
an official there. Other establishments used to hosting lavish
events are worried that they may have seen the last of such functions
under the new PAS-PKR government. A company official said he has
been making his rounds at Wisma Darulaman, which houses the Mentri Besar
and state exco offices, to "keep the relationship intact with the new
government." State PAS Commissioner Azizan Abdul Razak, 68, was
sworn in as the new MB on Sunday after the opposition swept 22 of the 36
state seats. Some business operators here, unsure of what's in
store, are even telephoning their counterparts in Kelantan to get an
idea of how things are under PAS-rule there. In Pekan Cina, Chinese
traders believe there would be no major changes. "The PAS-led
government does not
have a two-thirds majority in Kedah. So they cannot make whimsical
changes," said one of them. Anis Ariffin, who operates the popular
Zinni women's accessories shop in Jalan Sultan Badlishah, was
unperturbed with the change of government here. "I expect to sell
even more tudung (headscarves) from now," she quipped. 

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