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  Some people may not be familiar with the concept of the "end times." For this 
reason, it will be useful to explain this concept shortly. The end times refers 
to a period which precedes the end of the world according to Islam. 
  When we bring the signs in the Qur'an and the detailed explanations in the 
hadiths of the Prophet (saas) together, we come to an important conclusion. The 
verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet (saas) indicate that the 
end times have two stages. The first period is one in which material and 
spiritual problems dominate the world; the second period to come is called the 
Golden Age, a time when the moral teaching of the Qur'an will dominate 
producing a deep sense of well-being in every sphere. When the Golden Age comes 
to an end and the world quickly enters a social decline, the coming of the last 
day is at hand.
This site consists of extracts from various books which examine the signs of 
the end times under the light of verses and hadith. It is clear that these 
signs have begun to happen one after the other and in the way they are 
described in the age in which we live. The fact that the coming of these signs 
was revealed fourteen centuries ago increases a believer's faith in Allah and 
his attachment to Him. It is surely not coincidence that so much signs have 
come true all together and in such a short period of time. These signs are the 
glad tidings of Allah to His believing servants. 
This site has been prepared with a view to the Lord's promise: "Say: Praise be 
to Allah. He will show you His Signs and you will recognise them…" (Surat 
an-Naml: 93) There is a particularly important point to which we have wanted to 
draw attention: Allah knows the truth about everything. As with everything 
else, what we know about the end of the world comes only form what He has 
revealed to us.

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