4 MAY 2008  / 27 RABIUL AKHIR 1428H

  1. The action by Y.B. Karpal Singh in filing a police report against the 
Regent of Kelantan, and

  2. The calls made by MCA president, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, relating to some 
contentious religious and racial issues
  The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) strongly feels that some remarks 
and actions by certain political leaders relating to religious and racial 
issues of late warrant our comments and response.
  Firstly, we find the action by Y.B. Karpal Singh in filing a police report 
against the Regent of Kelantan, Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra 
as extremely improper and clearly overstepped the boundaries of proper comments 
when dealing with a member of Malaysian royalty. Being a seasoned politician, 
we are still wondering until today what exactly was in the mind of Mr. Karpal 
when he decided to take such an action which is, to say the least, very 
problematic and uncalled for. Mr. Karpal could have clearly thought of a more 
respectful and sensible way to respond to the Regent's speech. At the same 
time, we fully agree and support the call from the Kelantan palace for an end 
to this controversy. We do feel that it is unfortunate that remarks from a 
member of the Malaysian royalty, which could have been taken in a better light, 
has been unduly problematized and politicized. 
  Secondly, the calls made by MCA president, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, relating 
to some contentious religious and racial issues must take into account the 
Malay-Muslim perspective.
  On the issue of conversion out of Islam, we fully understand the possible 
difficulties and hardships that may arise on the part of those who wish to 
convert, but at the same time, we have pleaded time and again that the critics 
of the present law on apostasy must also be willing to fully consider the 
ramifications of this issue on the core elements of the Islamic faith and 
  The critics cannot in all earnest, expect the Muslims to just ignore a clear 
injunction and principle in our religion. And to expect Muslims in Malaysia to 
take the issue of apostasy lightly is actually doing just that. Converting out 
of Islam is a specific religious issue and the extent of its prohibition and 
permission should be left to the proper religious authority to determine. 
  The Federal Court's decision in Lina Joy's case provides a solid legal basis 
for this position. Former Chief Justice, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, 
in his majority judgment held that the determination of whether a person had 
renounced the religion of Islam was within the realm of Islamic law, and that 
the right authority was thus the Syariah court. His Lordship further said that 
the way one leaves religion is set by the religion itself. "In other words," 
His Lordship said,"one cannot embrace or leave a religion according to one's 
whims and fancies."
  In Malaysia, we believe that the process of allowing the right and competent 
parties to deliberate and find the solution for contentious religious issues is 
still not beyond grasp. In that light, we feel that an earnest and genuine 
process of collective deliberation amongst the rightful religious authorities 
in Malaysia should take place with regards to the recent controversial 
religious issues. This process, which may require time and independent space 
for the people involved, must be allowed to take its course. Inputs and 
feedbacks from all parties should be considered but everyone must be prepared 
to accept that the aim of this process is to discover the authoritative Islamic 
position on the matter since this is an internal religious issue.
  Assuming that at the end of the day the experts do find cases and situations 
where conversion out of Islam may be legally recognized, the next issue would 
be to determine the proper procedure for conversion out of Islam. We have 
stated time and again that conversion out of Islam is interlinked with other 
issues, some of which are formal and legal. Therefore, this process must be 
properly regulated and cannot be left open or unlimited. Again, another process 
of collective deliberation, which gives priority to authoritative 
interpretations of religious texts and legal reasoning, should be allowed to 
take its course.
  In light of the current controversy, we would like to refer all parties to 
our various memoranda and documents on the matter. 
  In our considered view, the MCA is essentially saying that the Federal 
Court's interpretation of Articles 11 (1) and 121(1A) of the Federal 
Constitution in the Lina Joy case was wrong. Perhaps the MCA would like to 
introduce a private member's bill in Parliament to amend Articles 11(1) and 
121(1A) of the Constitution to nullify the effect of Lina Joy. Let us see if 
they can get Malay/Muslim support on this issue. We must not forget the results 
of the survey carried out some time ago - which pointed out that Malays 
considered themselves Muslim first and Malay second. We would caution the MCA 
and other political parties (government as well as opposition) when making 
public comments on this issue; what they are doing will cause greater 
polarization between Malay/Muslims and non-Muslims in our nation.
  Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM)
  Pa'Shaik sarankan .
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