>>the commission found that former deputy
minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tengku Adnan Mansor and
businessman Tan Sri Vincent Tan had direct influence in the appointment
and promotion of judges.

betapa busuknya umno,
Setiausaha Agungnya perosak sistem kehakiman,
tiada yang bersih rasanya ..
bakal presiden skandal kesana kemari
bakal timbalan presiden, penyangak harta di johor
kerana malu..jgn terperanjat OSA digunakan ...

tapi melayu masih bersedia untuk menerima mereka...

Media on the mat for leaking out report
KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — The fallout from the Royal Commission report
on the V.K. Lingam video scandal has claimed its first victim – the
Police reports were today lodged against the Berita Harian, New Straits Times 
andThe Star by the Prime Minister’s Department for breaching the Official 
Act and publishing excerpts of the report before the Cabinet ruled that
it could be made public.
The Malaysian Insider has
learnt that commission members, ministers and Umno politicians have
been upset with several newspapers for breaking the embargo on the
explosive report which confirmed what Malaysians long suspected – that
the appointment of judges during the Mahathir era was manipulated by
individuals close to the then prime minister.
Star, the country’s top-selling English daily, broke the
first story – a day after commission members presented it to the King –
and reported that the commission verified that lawyer Datuk V.K. Lingam
was speaking to former Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Abdul Halim on
the telephone when he was captured on the tape. During the
conversation, Lingam seemed to be brokering the appointment of judges.
paper subsequently followed that exclusive with two other reports.
These reports were picked up and translated by the Chinese language
Today, the NST and Berita Harian on its front page said that the commission 
found that former deputy
minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tengku Adnan Mansor and
businessman Tan Sri Vincent Tan had direct influence in the appointment
and promotion of judges.
It also reported that the commission
made observations on the evidence given by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and
noted that the former PM had a "narrow interpretation" to the meaning
of the word consultation in the appointment and promotion of judges.
The Malaysian Insider understands that the reports in the NST and BH provoked a 
strong reaction from some Umno members, who wanted to know
why the party’s secretary-general was being shamed in Umno-owned
publications even before the commission’s report had been discussed in
Cabinet and made public.
The last thing Prime Minister Datuk
Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi needs as he works to shore up support within
the party is for Tengku Adnan to throw in the towel as the Umno
secretary-general. The latter has played an effective role in firming
up support for Abdullah on the ground since Election 2008.
the newspaper for breaching the OSA may assuage ruling party
politicians who have felt threatened by the less restrained brand of
journalism being exhibited by Malaysian newspapers since the elections.
But it is going to be criticised by the Opposition and non-governmental
organisations as another example of a government reaching for tools of
old Malaysia to deal with realities of new Malaysia.
commission’s report is almost certainly going to draw a response from
Dr Mahathir. During his meeting with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on
Sunday, the former PM poured scorn on the report and offered a couple
of conspiracy theories on why certain individuals had been implicated
in judge fixing.
And that was before the Cabinet decided that
Lingam, Fairuz, Tun Eusoff Chin, Tan and him should be investigated by
the Attorney-General for offences under the Penal Code, the Sedition
Act and the OSA.
The decision by the Cabinet today could set off
a chain of events which will complicate Malaysia’s already murky
political landscape.

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