Narrated Anas: r.a.
It was said to the Prophet pbuh "Would that you see Abdullah bin Ubai." So, the 
Prophet pbuhwent to him, riding a donkey, and the Muslims accompanied him, 
walking on salty barren land. When the Prophet reached 'Abdullah bin Ubai, the 
latter said, "Keep away from me! By Allah, the bad smell of your donkey has 
harmed me." On that an Ansari man said (to 'Abdullah), "By Allah! The smell of 
the donkey of Allah's Apostle is better than your smell" ..

On that a man from 'Abdullah's tribe got angry for 'Abdullah's sake, and the 
two men abused each other which caused the friends of the two men to get angry, 
and the two groups started fighting with sticks, shoes and hands. We were 
informed that the following Divine Verse was revealed (in this concern):-- "And 
if two groups of Believers fall to fighting then, make peace between them." 

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 3, Book 49, Number 856 
  49:9 If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peace 
between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other 
then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with 
the command of Allah; but if it complies then make peace between them with 
justice and be fair: for Allah loves those who are fair (and just).
  49:9 "Dan jika ada dua golongan dari orang-orang mukmin berperang maka 
damaikanlah antara keduanya. Jika salah satu dari kedua golongan itu berbuat 
aniaya terhadap golongan yang lain maka perangilah golongan yang berbuat aniaya 
itu sehingga golongan itu kembali kepada perintah Allah; jika golongan itu 
telah kembali (kepada perintah Allah), maka damaikanlah antara keduanya dengan 
adil dan berlaku adillah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berlaku 
  6:164 Say: "Shall I seek for (my) Cherisher other than Allah, when He is the 
Cherisher of all things (that exist)? Every soul draws the meed of its acts on 
none but itself: no bearer of burdens can bear of burdens can bear the burden 
of another. Your goal in the end is towards Allah. He will tell you the truth 
of the things wherein ye disputed." 
  6:164 "Katakanlah: ""Apakah aku akan mencari Tuhan selain Allah, padahal Dia 
adalah Tuhan bagi segala sesuatu. Dan tidaklah seorang membuat dosa melainkan 
kemudaratannya kembali kepada dirinya sendiri; dan seorang yang berdosa tidak 
akan memikul dosa orang lain. Kemudian kepada Tuhanmulah kamu kembali, dan akan 
diberitakan-Nya kepadamu apa yang kamu perselisihkan""." 
  One day the Blessed Prophet was looking strangely sad. ?Woe unto him! May his 
nose rub in the dust!? he lamented. ?Woe unto him! May his nose rub in the 
dust!? he repeated. The Prophet?s Companions were surprised to hear such words 
fall from his lips. ?Of whom do you speak, O Prophet?? the Companions asked. 
?Woe unto him! May his nose rub in the dust!? Once again, the Blessed Prophet 
repeated his lament. The Companions were more puzzled than ever. It was no 
small matter to hear the Blessed Prophet lamenting in this fashion, and 
speaking so of a person whose wrong was, as yet, unknown to them. ?But why do 
you speak so, O Prophet?? the Companions wanted to know. ?Who is it who has 
done so great a wrong that you should utter such sad words??.. 

The Blessed Prophet turned to them, and saw how puzzled and anxious they were. 
?I lament over a man who is greatly unfortunate,? he explained. ?That is the 
man who sees that his mother or his father, or both of them, are old and need 
his care, and yet does not know that to serve them is to enter the Jannah!* It 
is so simple?, the Blessed Prophet sighed, ?and yet such a man may still not 
see it! All he has to do is to obey Allah and care for his aged parents and the 
road to Jannah would be open to him!? Now, the Companions realized why the 
Prophet (pbuh) was so sad. A man would be unfortunate indeed if he failed to 
enter Jannah despite having such a simple and easy opportunity before him. Your 
Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents good 
treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not 
to them [so much as] ?uff,?** and do not repel them but speak to them a noble 
word. Al-Isrâ: 23 
  17:23 Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind 
to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to 
them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. 
  17:23 "Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain 
Dia dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik pada ibu bapakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya. 
Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut 
dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada 
keduanya perkataan ""ah"" dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah 
kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia." 
*The eternal reward from Allah for good deeds, or Paradise. **An expression of 
disapproval or irritation. Source: "Love At Home." By Khurram Murad. Published 
by The Islamic Foundation, 1983. 
  Mus'ab ibn 'Umayr: The iron determination

  Although the Muslims enjoyed peace and security in the land of the Negus, 
they longed to be in Makkah in the company of the noble Prophet pbuh. So when a 
report reached Abyssinia that the conditions of the Muslims in Makkah had 
improved, Musab was among the first to return to Makkah.
The report was in fact false and Musab once again left for Abyssinia. Whether 
he was in Makkah or Abyssinia, Musab remained strong in his new faith and his 
main concern was to make his life worthy of his Creator..

When Musab returned to Makkah again, his mother made a last attempt to gain 
control of him and threatened to have him tied up again and confined.
Musab swore that if she were to do that, he would kill everyone who helped her. 
She knew very well that he would carry out this threat for she saw the iron 
determination he now had.
Separation was inevitable. When the moment came, it was sad for both mother and 
son but it revealed a strong Persistence in kufr on the part of the mother and 
an even greater persistence in iman on the part of the son.
As she threw him out of her house and cut him off from all the material 
comforts she used to lavish on him, she said:

"Go to your own business. I am not prepared to be a mother to you." Musab went 
up close to her and said: "Mother, I advise you sincerely. I am concerned about 
you. Do testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant 
and His Messenger." "I swear by the shooting stars, I shall not enter your 
religion even if my opinion is ridiculed and my mind becomes impotent," she 

Musab thus left her home and the luxury and comforts he used to enjoy. 
The elegant, well-dressed youth would henceforth be seen only in the coursest 
of attire. He now had more important concerns. He was determined to use his 
talents and energies in acquiring knowledge and in serving Allah and His 
Prophet pbuh.. 

One day, several years later, Musab came upon a gathering of Muslims sitting 
around the Prophet pbuh, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. They bowed 
their heads and lowered their gaze when they saw Musab, and some were even 
moved to tears. This was because his jalbab was old and in tatters and they 
were immediately taken back to the days before his acceptance of Islam when he 
was a model of sartorial elegance. 

The Prophet looked at Musab, smiled gracefully and said: "I have seen this 
Musab with his parents in Makkah. They lavished care and attention on him and 
gave him all comforts. There was no Quraysh youth like him. 
Then he left all that seeking the pleasure of Allah and devoting himself to the 
service of His Prophet." The Prophet then went on to say:

"There will come a time when Allah will grant you victory over Persia and 
Byzantium. You would have one dress in the morning and another in the evening 
and you would eat out of one dish in the morning and another in the evening."

In other words, the Prophet predicted that the Muslims would become rich and 
powerful and that they would have material goods in plenty. 
The companions sitting around asked the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, are we 
in a better situation in these times or would we be better off then?" He 
replied: "You are rather better off now than you would be then. If you knew of 
the world what I know you would certainly not be so much concerned with it." 



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