My wife's mother has in effect cut herself off from her daughter in recent 
times. Whilst there was some form of communication it was often quite turbulent 
and heated. My wife has tried a number of times to re-establish contact yet her 
mother refuses, quite stubbornly, to reply. We are both reverts and have often 
felt that our acceptance of the religion has played some part in her mother's 
negative attitude. I would be grateful if you could advise us on what me might 
possibly do to rectify this situation.
Jazak Allahu Khairan 

    Praise be to Allah,
  The reactions of non-muslim mothers towards their children's embracement of 
Islam varies. Some mothers are peaceful and passive considering this as a 
personal matter which does not affect the relationship between the mother and 
her son or daughter. In such cases more piety by the child towards his or her 
mother will make the mother admire and respect Islam.
  Other mothers adopts a more stubborn approach at the beginning but the mother 
finally gives in and accepts the new religion as a fact of life after she sees 
the child's determination and persistence which could lead the mother herself 
to embrace Islam.
  In the third case we find that some mothers are constantly stubborn to the 
extent that she might hurt and oppress her son or daughter. Usually such 
mothers are blindly prejudice because they consider that her son or daughter 
had gone astray by leaving the faith of his fathers and ancestors and she must 
do something to help go back to the right path (according to the mother).
  The following are three stories that took place at the time of the Prophet , 
Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, that involved three of the Sahaba (Companions 
of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) which illustrates the 
reactions of their mothers after they embraced Islam:
  Story #1
    On the authority of Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr she said "My mother came to visit 
me one day. At that time she was still a polytheist and there was a pledge 
between the Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, and Quraish (one of the 
great tribes in Arabia that lived in Mecca in the pre Islamic Period of 
Ignorance who used to enjoy great spiritual and financial powers). I requested 
the Prophet's , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, religious verdict and said: Oh 
Prophet of Allah, my mother came to visit me, seeking my help; should I keep a 
good relationship with her? Yes, keep a good relation with her said the Prophet 
, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him:. Reported by Bukhari and Muslim, and this 
narration is listed in Sahih Muslim under # 1003.
  In another version narrated by Ahmad, on the authority of Asmaa' Bint Abi 
Bakr she said " My mother came to visit me when she was still a polytheist and 
she was living amongst Quraish. She was desirous, meaning in need, so I asked 
the Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, and said: Oh Prophet of Allah my 
mother came to me and she is a polytheist and she needs help. Should I keep a 
good relationship with her? He said yes maintain a good relationship with her.
  Story #2
    On the authority of Abu-Huraira, who said: I used to call my mother to 
Islam when she was still a polytheist. One day, while I was calling her she 
mentioned something about the Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, that I 
detested. So I went to see the Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, while 
crying and told him: I used to call my mother to Islam and she would refuse. I 
called her today and she mentioned something about you that I detested. Please 
invoke the blessings and guidance of Allah on her. Then the Prophet, Peace and 
Blessings be Upon Him, said: O Great Allah guide the mother of Abu-Huraira. So 
I left full of hope because of the Prophet's supplication for my mother. When I 
reached home I found that the door was partially closed. My mother heard my 
footsteps and said: Stay still Abu-Huraira, then I heard the water running; he 
added my mother performed body ablution, put on her cloths and hurriedly opened 
the door without her head-cover and said:
 "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad, Peace and 
Blessings be Upon Him, is the Messenger of Allah". I went back to the Prophet , 
Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, crying of joy and told him: I am bringing you 
good news; Allah answered your prayers and guided the mother of Abu-Huraira. 
The Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, praised and glorified Allah and 
said: this is good. I said: Oh Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah to make me and 
my mother beloved by Allah's believing slaves and make us love them. The 
Prophet , Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, said: Oh Allah, make this little 
slave of Yours and his mother (meaning Abu-Huraira and his mother) become 
beloved by your believing slaves and make the believers love them. Ever since, 
there was not a believer who heard of me, even without seeing me, that did not 
love me. Reported by Muslim in Sahih Muslim (Muslim Authentic volumes) under # 
  Story # 3
    On the authority of Saa'd (Ibn Abi Waqas May Allah be pleased with him) who 
said that verses of the Qur'an revealed his story. He said Um Saa'd (his 
mother) swore not to talk to him ever nor eat or drink until he renounces 
Islam. She said: You claim that Allah commanded you to obey your parents. I am 
your mother and I order you to do this ( to renounce Islam). He said: She 
stayed with nothing to eat or drink for three days until she fainted because of 
strain. Then one of her other sons named Umarah gave her water to drink. And 
she started to imprecate against Saa'd, then Allah revealed this verse in the 
Qur'an, which translates to the meaning of {And We have enjoined on man to be 
good and dutiful to his parents; but if they strive to make you join with Me 
(in worship) anything (as a partner) of which you have no knowledge, then obey 
them not. Unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what you used to do} 
Verse 29:8 - Surah 29, Al Ankabut. This Hadith is narrated by
 Imam Ahmad in his Musnad and in Sahih Muslim in his Sahih under # 1748.
  Also, Allah revealed another verse in the Qur'an, which translates to:
  "But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me 
others that if which you have no knowledge, then obey them not; but behave with 
them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to me in 
repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell 
you what you used to do"( 31:15 - Surah Luqman).
  Based on the above stories one can determine how to deal with a non believing 
mother and can draw the following significant conclusions:
     The importance of good presentation of Islam to the non believing mother 
and to try to kindly persuade her and to strive to convince her as Abu Huraira 
did (story # 1)
     Continue to do good to the non believing mother and to remember that her 
disbelief does not justify disobedience by the son or daughter and that doing 
her good does not contradict with your innocence of her as a non believer, on 
the contrary as it is stated in Verse 31:15 above, Allah has commanded us to 
treat the non believing parents kindly even if they strive to make their child 
a polytheist because of their rights as parents hoping that they will embrace 
     Continue to sincerely pray and supplicate for the non believing mother 
hoping that Allah may guide her, as evident in Abu Huraira's story (story #2).
     The divine guidance of Allah may come after continuous strive by the child 
and strong objection of the mother as in Abu Huraira's story, therefore the son 
should never surrender or give up but should continue to pray and supplicate 
for the non believing mother.
     Regardless of how hard does the non believing mother strive to make the 
son renounces Islam, and the pressure she will exercise against her son such as 
refusing to eat or invoking upon him , the son should never surrender or give 
in nor should he retrocede away from the righteous path as one of the Sahaba 
said to his non believing mother in a similar situation: :If you had one 
hundred (100) souls and it all left your body one after the other I will never 
give up my religion (Islam)".

  It seems that the mother in question deliberately oppresses her daughter 
through estrangement which makes her emotional torn but that should never 
weaken the Muslim or shake his faith and belief in his religion. There is no 
objection to make the non believing mother understand that you are not going to 
retrocede , however she (the mother) can kindly ask for anything and she will 
be immediately answered to it except for giving up this religion.
  We ask Allah to quickly guide her to the righteous path and give you patience 
to call her to Islam and lead you to the righteous and correct way.

  Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid ( 

"Topeng Perak" wrote:            
  PETALING JAYA: The Bar Council is holding a half-day public forum on Saturday 
to address the legal issues and the impact of recent highly-publicised cases of 
conversions to Islam.
  The forum, to be held from 8.30am to 1pm at the Bar Council Secretariat in 
Kuala Lumpur, is titled "Conversion to Islam: Art 121(1A) of the Federal 
Constitution, Subashini & Shamala Revisited". It is part of efforts by the 
council's Family Law Committee to draw attention to the various elements of 
family law involving Islam that require reform.
  In a press statement issued yesterday, the council said the objective of the 
forum was to highlight the plight of families caught in legal disputes 
resulting from conflicts in the civil and syariah legal systems. 
  "We need to discuss the plight of families embroiled in the legal wrangles 
brought about by the present conflicts in the laws and to have an open, frank 
and mature forum with views on both sides of the religious divide," it said, 
adding that the panel would explore the question of resolving confl icts 
between a Muslim and a non-Muslim in a marriage.
  "It is of concern to the council that the issue of conversion to Islam of one 
spouse without the knowledge of the other and the conversion to Islam of the 
children by one spouse without the knowledge and consent of the other have 
caused so much grief and discord to families from the ensuing legal wrangles. 
  "The legal implications are far reaching, beyond the question of the 
jurisdiction of the courts as the division of properties, custody battles for 
the children and the marital status of the couples and alimonies are thrust in 
the open and into turmoil."
  The forum panel, to be moderated by Zarizana Abdul Aziz from the Women's 
Centre for Change, Penang, will include lawyers Ravi Nekoo, K.Shanmuga, Mohamed 
Haniff Khatri Abdullah, former Syariah Judge Tuan Dr Haji Mohd Naim Haji 
Mokhtar, and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikim) Syariah Law Centre 
director Dr Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, as well as five affected families.
Berjuang,berjuang,berjuang dan terus berjuang!!!

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"Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman! jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa 
sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu 
tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum Dengan perkara Yang tidak diingini - Dengan sebab 
kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) - sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa Yang kamu 
telah lakukan.." ( al-Qur'an,al-Hujurat ( 49 ):6 ).




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