Introduction             This carefully authenticated compilation of Hadeeths 
published in 1995, under the title Forty Hadeeth on "The Call to Islam and the 
Caller by Shaikh 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee explains in brief, the methodology of 
the Prophet (pbuh) in calling to Allah, the Most High. Dr Bilal Philips has 
added a brief commentary to further elucidate the meanings of each Hadeeth for 
the benefit of the readers.   Da'wah Times readers are encouraged to submit 
their own comments, suggestions, Da'wah related experiences relevant to the 
Hadeeths and their comments. 
  Signposts of the Way   From Ibn Abbaas ( radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that 
Allah's Messenger (SAW) addressed the people in the Farewell Hajj and said:
  " O people, I have left amongst you that which if you cling onto you will 
never go astray: The Book of Allah and my Sunnah".[1] 
  [1] Reported by al-Hakim (1/93), al-Baihaqee (10/114) and Ibn Hazm in 
al-Ahkaam (6/108) by way of Tawr ibn Zayd ad-Deelee from Ikrimah, from him. 
This chain of narration is hasan.

  For a Muslim to be considered a true caller to Allah, he or she must firmly 
adhere to the two fundamental sources of Islaam: The Qur'aan and the Sunnah. 
Divine revelation came as the direct word of God in the scripture and it also 
came in the form of inspiration to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to say and to show 
the people the right way. This is not a dogmatic creed devised by Muslims after 
the time of the Prophet (pbuh). The Qur'aan itself states the following in 
reference to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
  "He does not speak from his desires. It is only revealed inspiration."
(Soorah an-Najm, 53: 3-4)
  Consequently, Allah has instructed believers to follow the commandments of 
the Prophet (pbuh) saying:
  "Take whatever the Messenger gives you, and leave whatever he forbids you." 
(Soorah al-Hashr, 59: 7)
  And, in order to further stress the importance of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) 
instructions, Allah equates them to His own commands, saying in the Qur'aan:
  "Whoever obeys the Messenger, has obeyed Allah."
(Soorah an-Nisaa, 4: 80)
  Therefore, the explanations in word and in deed given by Prophet Muhammad 
(pbuh) have to be closely studied and learned along with the Qur'aan itself. 
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said to us in regard to guidance, "I have left with you 
two things, if you hold on firmly to them you will never go astray: the book of 
Allah and my Sunnah." [1] These two sources of guidance form the framework of 
Islamic life; they represent the essence of what the call should be focused on. 
Human reason, preferences and desires should not be given precedence over 
revelation; otherwise true submission to God has not taken place. In this 
regard, Allah said:
  "It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been 
decreed by Allah and His Messenger to have any choice in their affairs. If 
anyone disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed clearly astray."
(Soorah al-Ahzaab, 33: 36)
  It is with this feeling of reverence that the callers to Allah should read 
and listen to the words of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Their attitude should be 
one of great concern and they should pay full attention to whatever he did or 
had to say, since it contains guidance for all believers in all aspects of 
their lives until the Last Day of this world. The caller to Allah has to 
exemplify the Qur'aan and Sunnah in his or her life and has to be guided by 
their light in his or her efforts to convey the word of God to humankind.
Dr. Bilal Philips 
  [1]Reported by Aboo Hurayrah in Muwatta Imam Malik, p. 375, no. 1599.


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