Jews Celebrate Holocaust Muslim Heroes:
US Jews to Hollywood Stars: Boycott Israel Celebration!:
BESA…When Muslims Saved Jews:
Note: The Qur'an is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have 
been honored and protected in so many places (2:40, 2:47-52, 2:57-58, 5:20, 
5:44, 10:47, 10:90-93, 14:6, 17:2-3, 20:47-52, 20:77-80, 44:30-32, 45:16, 
etc.), good Jews have been praised with respect and they have also been offered 
salvation if they follow the true teachings of their own scriptures (2:62, 
2:121-122, 3:113-115, 3:199, 5:12, 5:65-66, 5:69, 29:46, etc.).
The verses 2:65 and 7:165 refer to a group of bad Jews who transgressed in the 
matter of the Sabbath and other prohibitions of God (see 2:63-66 and 7:164-166 
for clarification), who have even been condemned to death in the Bible for the 
same (Exodus 31:14)!
The verse 5:51 refers to terrorist/intolerant Jews and Christians ONLY, and not 
ALL. Please see the verses 5:57-59 and 60:7-9 for clarification.


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