As-Salam alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu
  Ahlan wasahlan

  Islam - Empire of Faith
  In this 3 Part Documentary some History of Islam is explained. The first part 
is about the Messenger Muhammad s.a.a.s., the second is called "the awakening" 
and talkes about how Islam spread after Muhammad s.a.a.s. died and the third 
part is about the Ottomans who once were Islamic Rulers.
  Although these documentaries may be okay, they are surely not enough to know 
about these topics and are just a shallow explanation about them. So for a 
sincere seeker of truth i would advice to listen to some Islamic Lectures about 
these things and not just limit oneself to this.
  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
  From Darkness to Light
  This is brother's Mutah Beal's story about his journey from Darkness to 
Light, From Disbelief to Islam. Brother Mutah was a rapper in the U.S. and knew 
famous rappers like Tupac Shakur and lived the Famous Life like they but 
Al'Hamdulillah Allah s.w.t. took him away from all of that and made him among 
the Muslims of the Ummah. A truly interesting story seeing much of the Muslim 
youth (youth from Muslim families) in the west being street thugs. May Allah 
s.w.t. give them Hidayah.
  Da'wah to the Youth
  This is a lecture by Brother Abu Mu'adh from U.K. and is aimed at the Muslim 
Youth who are deceived by the Dunya and have turned their backs to their 
Religion and instead lead a shallow life of zina, drugs, alcohol, music and so 
  Introduction to Islam
  A great lecture for new Muslims, non-Muslims and a good Da'wah example for 
the well-grounded Muslims as well. Some of the things the Brother explaines is 
the five Pillars of Islam and the six Pillars of Faith.
  Meaning of Islam
  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
  A good lecture explaining the Meaning of Islam, what it means literally and 
what it means according to the Shareeah.

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