Kita nak tanya kerajaan Malaysia dan Kementerian Kesihatan adakah beberapa 
negeri di Malaysia kini dilanda wabak demam Chikungunya ?

Kita nak tanya lagi Chikungunya ini disebar oleh nyamuk atau boleh juga disebar 
melalui udara , melalui pelancong yang keluar masuk Malaysia ? Sila baca 
laporan berita Reuters di bawah , pandangan beberapa pakar perubatan dunia.

Apakah kita masih nak buat tak kisah sahaja demam Chikungunya ini ?

Tak nak buat kempen kebersihan besar-besaran ?

Tak nak buat kempen solat hajat besar-besaran ?


Monday, October 27, 2008
Old and new viruses spread by air travel, crowding
By Maggie Fox,
Health and Science Editor Maggie Fox, Health And Science Editor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Tourists traveling by plane and the growth of cities are 
combining to help new and old infections spread around the world, experts said 
on Monday.

Viruses such as Chikungunya and dengue fever are finding new homes or returning 
to places where they were eradicated, the researchers told an infectious 
diseases meeting.
And new methods of diagnosing infections have led to the discovery of dozens of 
viruses causing often-serious disease.

"As urbanization spread, so did the mosquito," Duane Gubler of the University 
of Hawaii told a news conference at a joint meeting of the American Society of 
Microbiology and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Researchers at the Pan American Health Organization told the meeting that 
dengue fever, which can cause mild illness or deadly hemorrhagic disease, has 
come back after decades of eradication successes in Latin America.

They said 1.03 million cases of dengue were reported in the 1980s and 2.7 
million in the 1990s, but 4.6 million were reported from 2000 to 2007.

The "re-emergence of epidemic dengue is closely associated with global 
urbanization and global transportation," Gubler said. "Pathogens of all kinds 
-- many of them actually move in infected people but they also move in infected 
animals and mosquitoes."
New infections are a threat, as well.

Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University in New York said his lab, using new 
genetic sequencing techniques, has identified 75 new pathogens -- including a 
new rhinovirus that has caused serious disease in "scores of children" around 
the world.

Rhinoviruses are spread person-to-person only and usually cause common colds 
but this version appears more like severe influenza, Lipkin told the news 
"It was literally under our noses and in our noses for a long time," Lipkin 
said. "It has been found in Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America and Europe," 
he added. "It clearly is an important pathogen."

Chikungunya virus, which causes painful and sometimes crippling or deadly 
symptoms, has spread to several new countries in the past two years. One 
traveler brought it to Italy last year, Gubler noted.

"The same virus was introduced into India and into Sri Lanka, most likely via 
infected travelers," Gubler said.

Outbreaks of Chikungunya, which originated in Tanzania in 1952 but did not 
spread much outside of Africa until 2005, have been helped by mutations that 
let it travel via the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus.

In 2005 on tiny Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, it infected more than a 
third of the population -- 266,000 people -- and killed 260 of them.

The virus has spread to Singapore and people who go to neighboring Malaysia to 
buy durian fruit may be helping to carry it, said Dr. Harold Townson of the 
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in Britain.

"Aedes albopictus is very common in the United States and Caribbean," Townson 
said. "There are risks it could be introduced here."
And Gubler noted that another species of mosquito, the dengue-carrying Aedes 
aegypti, is re-emerging in Latin America.

Aedes aegypti is the original carrier of Chikungunya -- whose name comes from a 
word in the Makonde language of Tanzania describing the stooped stance of 

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