Hamza Yusuf Hanson exposes the Nazi-Zionist-Hindutva dirty politics of using 
self-claimed gullible ex-Muslims against Islam and Muslims:
Sheikh Yusuf Estes responds to the Nazi-Zionist-Hindutva lies and propaganda 
about 72 virgins for suicide bombers in a rather funny way:
Abdur Raheem Green smashes the Nazi-Zionist-Hindutva lies and vicious 
propaganda of "Islamic terrorism and blowing up for virgins in paradise" at the 
end of this video:
Thousands of Westerners are coming forward every year very proudly and with 
open arm against one rat-like gullible ex-Muslim! Born Muslims are also aware 
of anti-Islamic lies and propaganda more than ever before. Therefore, the 
Nazi-Zionist-Hindutva dirty politics of manufacturing ex-Muslim to attack Islam 
and Muslims is bound to be perished sooner or later!


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