One night in April 571 AD, 14 bastions of the palace of the 
fire-worshipping Persian emperors were torn down.
  That destruction was a sign and great glad tidings of the coming into the 
world of the Prophet Muhammad (saas).
  His coming would bring with it knowledge, and ignorance would depart.
  Justice would come, and oppression be brought to an end.
  Civilization would come, and savagery come to an end.
  After that, the world would be illuminated by the light of the true faith 
revealed to him.
  In this film you will see the superior moral values of the Prophet Muhammad 
(saas), sent by Almighty Allah as a mercy to the worlds, and witness how the 
message he preached from his faith and trust in Allah spread quickly, by His 
will, across a very wide geographical area.
  You will see the persistence and determination of the Prophet (saas), a means 
whereby millions of people over the last 14 centuries have turned to faith and 
come to live by the moral values revealed in the Qur’an, and how the impact on 
the world of the True Faith imparted to the Prophet (saas) is today growing 
ever greater and how hundreds of people every day are flooding to the true path 
shown by him. 

          There are more than 1.2 billion Muslims living in the world today. 
Muslims constitute a majority of the population in 56 separate countries. There 
are problems, conflicts and even wars between some of these countries. In the 
present day the Islamic world has been unable to establish the necessary union, 
for which reason it is not sufficiently powerful. 
  Furthermore, there is no center to define and teach Islamic moral values …
  This, in turn, prepares the groundwork for those who put forward mistaken 
models in the name of Islam. The fact is, however, that all these problems can 
be solved and Islamic civilization can once again illuminate the whole world. 
The way for this to happen is for all Muslims to unite.
  Through unity, and the construction of an “Islamic Union.” 

  >>>>>>>>>>>>>.<<<<<<<<<<, unexpected_data_after_addr...@.syntax-error. wrote:
        JOHOR BAHRU 11 Jan. - Umat Islam wajib memboikot barangan Amerika 
Syarikat (AS) dan Yahudi sebagai usaha membantu perjuangan rakyat Palestin yang 
dibunuh oleh tentera Israel. "Hukum memboikot barang AS kini jatuh wajib dan 
jika ada sesiapa yang tidak mahu memboikot maka hukum menyokong AS dan Israel 
ialah lawan bagi wajib iaitu haram" 

Penasihat Majlis Agama Islam Johor, Datuk Nooh Gadot berkata, tindakan itu juga 
merangkumi usaha mengelakkan diri daripada melancong atau melabur di negara 

"Selain itu sudah sampai masanya, negara-negara Islam melalui Pertubuhan 
Persidangan Islam (OIC) mewujudkan pasukan tentera sendiri seperti yang 
dimiliki negara-negara Eropah dalam Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara 
(NATO)," katanya. 

Sumber : Utusan Malaysia 12 Jan 2009



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