None has the right to be 
worshiped except Allah and Muhammad peace n blessings be upon him is the 
Mesenger of Allah
  A Time for Thought. 
A Time for Change. 
A Time for Action.
  9:32Mereka berkehendak memadamkan cahaya (agama) Allah dengan mulut 
(ucapan-ucapan) mereka, dan Allah tidak menghendaki selain menyempurnakan 
cahaya-Nya, walaupun orang-orang yang kafir tidak menyukai. 
            'Israel forces under fire from Jordan' 
Tue, 13 Jan 2009 07:34:05 GMT 
Israeli troops have come under fire from Jordan at a border crossing with the 
kingdom, says an Israeli military spokeswoman. 

"Troops were fired upon from the Jordanian side of the border. It was unclear 
who the gunmen were," she said on Tuesday. 

According to the spokesman, no one was hurt in the incident. 

Main reference: The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf, translated by 
Jon Rothschild, 1984.
Al Saqi Books, 26 Wetbourne Grove, London W2. Copyright ©1998-99 The Sabr 
| close window |           Invasion
    The First Crusade

    1096   Kilij Arslan, sultan of Nicaea, crushes a Crusaders invasion led by 
Peter the Hermit.     1097   First great expedition by the Crusaders, known as 
Franj in Arabia.     1098   The Crusaders take Edessa and then Antioch, and 
triumph over a Muslim rescue army commanded by Karbuqa, ruler of Mosul. The 
incident of cannibalism by the Crusaders in Maarra. "For three days they put 
people to the sword, killing more than a hundred thousand people and taking 
many prisoners." (Ibn al-Athir) "In Maarra our troops boiled pagan adults in 
cooking pots; they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled." 
(Radulph of Caen)     1099   Fall of Jerusalem, followed by massacres and 
plunder by the Crusaders. The population of the holy city was put to the sword, 
and the Crusaders spent a week massacring Muslims. They killed more than 
seventy thousand people in Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Jews had gathered in their 
synagogue and the Crusaders burned them alive. They also destroyed the
 monuments of saints, the mosque of Umar and the tomb of Abraham.       
1100     Baldwin, count of Edessa, escapes an ambush near Beirut and proclaims 
himself King of Jerusalem. 
    1104   Muslim victory at Harran, which checks the Crusaders' eastward 
advance.     1108   Two coalitions made up of Crusaders and Muslims confront 
one another near Tel Bashir.     1109   Fall of Tripoli after a 2000-day siege. 
    1110   Fall of Beirut and Saida.     1111   Ibn al-Khashab, the qadi of 
Aleppo, organizes a riot against the caliph of Baghdad to demand intervention 
against the Frankish occupation.     1112   Victorious resistance at Tyre.     
1115   Alliance of Muslim and Frankish princes of Syria against an army 
dispatched by the sultan.     1119   Ilghazi, ruler of Aleppo, Crushes the 
Crusaders at Sarmada.     1124   The Crusaders take Tyre. They now occupy the 
entire coast, except for Ascalon.     1125   Ibn al-Khashab is murdered by the 
Assassins sect.     1128   Failure of Crusaders thrust at Damascus. Zangi the 
ruler of Aleppo.     1135   Zangi fails to take Damascus.     1137   Zangi 
captures Fulk, King of Jerusalem, then releases him.     1140  
 Alliance of Damascus and Jerusalem against Zangi.     1144-1155   The Second 
Crusade.     1144   Zangi takes Edessa, destroying the first of the four 
Frankish states of the Orient.     1146   Murder of Zangi. His son Nur al-Din 
replaces him in Aleppo.       Victory
1148     Debacle at Damascus for a new Frankish expedition led by Conrad, 
Emperor of Germany, and Louis VII, King of France. 
    1154   Nur al-Din takes control of Damascus, unifying Muslim Syria under 
his authority.     1163-69   The struggle for Egypt. Shirkuh, lieutenant of Nur 
al-Din, finally wins. Proclaimed vizier, he dies two months later. He is 
succeeded by his nephew Saladin (Salahuddin).     1171   Saladin proclaims the 
overthrow of the Fatimid caliphate. Sole master of Egypt, he finds himself in 
conflict with Nur al-Din.     1174   Death of Nur al-Din. Saladin takes 
Damascus.     1183   Saladin takes Aleppo. Egypt and Syria now reunited under 
his aegis.     1187-1192   The Third Crusade.     1187   The year of victory.  
Saladin Crushes the Crusaders armies at Hittin, near Lake Tiberias. He 
reconquers Jerusalem and the greater part of the Crusaders territories. The 
Crusaders now hold only Tyre, Tripoli and Antioch.     1190-92   Setback for 
Saladin at Acre. Intervention of Richard the Lionheart, King of England, 
enables the Crusaders to recover several cities from the sultan, but not
 Jerusalem.     1193   Saladin dies in Damascus at the age of 55. After several 
years of civil war, his empire is reunited under the authority of his brother 
al-Adil.     1194-1201   The Fourth and Fifth Crusade.     1204   The Crusaders 
take Constantinople. Sack of the city.     1216-1218   The Sixth Crusade.     
1218-21   Invasion of Egypt by the Crusaders. They take Damietta and head for 
Cairo, but the sultan al-Kamil, son of al-Adil, finally repels them.     
1227-1229   The Seventh Crusade.     1229   Al-Kamil delivers Jerusalem to the 
Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, arousing a storm of indignation in the 
Arab world.       Expulsion
1244     The Crusaders lose Jerusalem for the last time. 
    1245-1247   The Eighth Crusade.     1248-50   Invasion of Egypt by Louis 
IX, King of France, who is defeated and captured. Fall of the Ayyubid dynasty; 
replaced by the rule of the Mamluks.     1258   The Mongol chief Hulegu, 
grandson of Genghis Khan, sacks Baghdad, massacring the population and killing 
the last Abbasid caliph.     1260   The Mongol army, after occupying first 
Aleppo and then Damascus, is defeated at the battle of Ayn Jalut in Palestine. 
Baybars at the head of the Mamluk sultanate.     1268   Baybars takes Antioch, 
which had been allied with the Mongols.     1270   Louis IX dies near Tunis in 
the course of a failed invasion.     1289   The mamluk sultan Qalawun takes 
Tripoli.     1291   The sultan Khalil, son of Qalawun, takes Acre, putting an 
end to two centuries of Crusaders presence in the Orient.


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