A lecture discourse, on CD, by Ustadh Muhammad Alshareef.
In this audio lecture, Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef gives a detailed
analysis of the Shaytan’s plot to lead humanity astray and ultimately
land them in Hellfire. The content of the lecture is easily understood
by the listener, as the Shaytan’s plot is broken down into a series of
levels. These levels categorize information concisely, and give the
listener the opportunity to classify themselves as a member of a
certain level. Discovering that one falls into a certain category
allows the listener to diagnose his or her shortcomings and then find a
suitable solution, insha’Allah. The lecture, however, does not leave
the listener thinking, “Now that I know what my problem is, what do I
do from here?” This element of practical application is a reoccurring
theme in many of Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef’s lectures.


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The Martydom Of ‘Umar
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I want to retaliate…
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Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
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Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

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