Tolong, ambil anak saya
Posted on Saturday, May 23 @ 20:46:41 PDT by TokPenghulu 
 Oleh: Anonymous

Assalamualaikum, Artikel ini tersiar dalam New Straits Times online 15.5.09. 
Tajuk: Please, take my children.
KLANG: Out of desperation, a blind mother is begging the authorities or 
non-governmental organisations to take over the care of three of her
five children. Masyitah Yong Abdullah, 40, decided to temporarily
relinquish custody  of Munzir, 17, Humairah, 15, and Hidayah, 13, to
give them a brighter future and prevent them from getting involved in
immoral activities.

Munzir has dropped out of school, Humairah is a third former while Hidayah, 
whose both legs were amputated below the knee after their house was burnt down 
in a fire 10 years ago, is in Form One.
said it was the hardest decision of her life but she could no longer
look after them as she was busy working and it was made worse by her disability.

could not even depend on her husband of 19 years as he had been
remanded in Sungai Buloh prison for the past two years. "I am a
convert, I have a disabled child and two young children, Sakinah, 8,
and Nur Farhana, 3, and I have no husband to depend on.
"No mother is willing to be separated from her children.

"I am doing this for their own good," she said in tears at her home in Kampung 
Jawa, here, yesterday.

She said she could no longer bear hearing Hidayah's plea for prosthetic legs, 
but there was nothing she could do.
almost had a mental breakdown as her neighbours constantly looked down
on her family and labelled her as a bad mother who does not know how to
take care of her children.

family now lives on the RM800 they get from the Welfare Department and
Baitulmal and 50 per cent of her husband's salary as he had been
suspended from his teaching job. But the family needed RM2,000 to get
by every month.
Masyitah said she was now doing direct selling to supplement their income with 
the help of Sakinah.

"I am also learning English at the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) in 
Brickfields," she said.
NGOs or those interested in helping Masyitah can contact MAB at 03-22722677.

Saya ada bercakap dengan Pn. Masyitah. Dia kata dia tidak memerlukan sumbangan 
tetapi support untuk menjaga anak-anaknya yang besar itu memandangkan beliau 
cacat penglihatan. Beliau bimbang dengan anak-anaknya.
Saya berdoa kepada Allah agar akan ada pembaca mengulurkan support /
kaunselling kepada keluarga ini agar keluarga ini tetap utuh dan


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