Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 54

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.
1. Hadith on Good Manners:

Narrated by Aisha (Radhiallah hu Taala anhaa)

A bedouin came to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) and said, "You
(people) kiss the boys! We don't kiss them." The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi
wa sallam) said, "I cannot put mercy in your heart after Allah has taken it
away from it."

2. Converts to Islam Videos:

Jew converted to Islam ( Joseph Cohen aka Yusuf
Khattab)<> A
jew called Joseph Cohen, was living in USA then moved to Gaza in Palestine
as a Jew settler on the year 1998.. He met an Emarati (from UAE) Muslim
Sheikh through the internet and discussed with him religious discussion
about many facts, w A jew called Joseph Cohen, was living in USA then moved
to Gaza in Palestine as a Jew settler on the year 1998.. He met an Emarati
(from UAE) Muslim Sheikh through the internet and discussed with him
religious discussion about many facts, which ended for Cohen to be a Muslim,
converted to Islam and changed his name to Yusuf Khattab. If you want to
contact Yusuf Al-Khattab, then visit his Forum "Jews for Allah"

*3. Coverts to Islam:

Nuh Ha Mim Keller, From an American Catholic to one of the leading
contemporary scholars of
* *

4. WMD : Beware of their Weapons of Missionary Deception:

Missionaries are trained to convert Vulnerable Muslims with $6.8 Budget a
year. Simple Ways to answer them back with 0 Budget
Missionaries Rush To Iraq, Fear Door May Be Closed
Missionaries go wherever there is crisis on Earth. !!!!

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor<>

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

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