*Nomura’s jellyfish* is a very large Japanese jellyfish. It is in the same
size class as the lion’s mane jellyfish, the largest cnidarian in the world.
The diameter of these jellyfish is slightly greater than the height of an
average fully grown man.

It grows 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) in diameter and weighing up to 220 kg
(about 450 pounds), Nomura’s jellyfish live principally in the
watersbetween China and Japan, mainly in the central Yellow Sea and
East China


Nomura’s jellyfish has plagued the seas of Japan from 2005 up to the
present. The unintentional attacks brought by this kind of creatures have
severed the fishing industries of the affected regions in Japan as well as
the balanced food chains in the seas.

Japanese fishing trawler sunk by giant jellyfish, A 10-ton fishing boat has
been sunk by gigantic jellyfish off eastern Japan. Trawler, Diasan
Shinsho-Maru, was killed off Chiba “the three-person crew and tried to trip
a net containing dozens of huge Nomura’sjellyfish.


Each jellyfish can weigh up to 200 kg, and the waters around Japan, has been
flooded with creatures of this year. Experts believe, the weather and water
conditions for the growth of the coast of China, it is ideal forjellyfish in
recent months.

The crew of the fishing vessel were thrown into the sea when the ship
crashed, three men were rescued but another trawler the Mainichi newspaper.
The local Coast Guard office announced that the weather was clear and the
sea was calm about the accident.


The last time Japan took a very large, in the summer of 2005, jellyfish nets
damaged, rendered the fish inedible to poisonous bites, and even cause
injury to the fishermen.

Relatively little is known about Nomura’s jellyfish, such as why some years
see thousands of creatures floating in the sea over the Japanese Tsushima
Current, but last year there was virtually no sightings. In 2007 were 15,500
reports of damage to fishing equipment, from creatures.[image:

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang Tertinggi Adalah
Keyakinan Yang Diri Kita Dicintai. Cinta
Ibarat Seperti Petir, Anda Tidak Dapat
Meneka Di mana Akan Terjadi, Tahu-tahu
Sudah Terserang~~~


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