From: shreya akhmetovna []
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 2:18 PM
To: shreya akhmetovna
Subject: Let's purify ourselves and create more wealth by GIVING.

Dear all, let's purify ourselves and create more wealth by GIVING. 

If you cannot or do not feel like attending, you may want to donate $25.00 per 
ticket, and donate the ticket to the needy. (I am doing this myself and can 
help you donate your tickets). 

Only $25.00 for this mosque located in Paya Lebar. With the new exits from Paya 
Lebar MRT interchange, the small and old mosque is attracting more congregators 
and it needs more fund to sustain itself. I worked here before, and I know how 
much the mosque has been struggling to survive. Kudos to the mosque volunteers 
who have been there like a decade. May Allah reward and give them His blessings 
in abundance, Amin. Let's join them by at least donating to the mosque. 

Business owners/entrepeuners, if you want to donate your products or gift 
vouchers to this event's goodie bags, please let me know. 

Parents/families especially those who have cute little daugthers, who are free 
on 24th July, you can make this as your family event. I know the topic of the 
talk ("Modernity: Role of Muslim Women") is kind of boring and unappealing to 
some of you, but at least your cute girls have the chance of winning the 
"Muslimah Children Dress Competition"! :-)

Organizations/companies, you can help by donating $250 only for 1 table (10 

Gamelan music lovers, there will also be a Gamelan performance by Marine Parade 

Fans of Dr. Sharifah Hayati, she will deliver a talk too. If you do not know 
who she is, your mother-in-law should know her. You can win her heart by 
sponsoring a ticket for your mum-in-law too. :-)




Event: Family Hi-Tea (For Wak Tanjong Mosque)

Date: 24th July 2010 (2.00-5.00pm)

Venue: Marine Parade CC, Multi-Purpose Hall (3rd Level)


Thank you for spending your time here. Pls email me here or at if you wish to purchase tickets and/or donate. OR transfer 
to POSB savings 194-12955-6, and then sms to 82061835 to notify me:


1. Amount transferred,

2. Mailing address (for me to mail your tickets) > pls inform me if you just 
want to donate the tickets.


Alternatively, you can purchase the tickets in person at Masjid Wak Tanjong, 25 
Paya Lebar Road.



Thuraiya :-)

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