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*Beginning one week ago, thousands of young **Kyrgyz** men rampaged through
parts of southern Kyrgyzstan with weapons and torches, attacking ethnic
Uzbek neighborhoods, burning homes and stores, and, according to reports,
beating, raping and killing Uzbek residents. The**official death toll** is
over 200, though officials have indicated it may be ten times that number.
The attacks lasted for several days, setting off a massive rush to flee the
violence - an estimated 400,000 **Uzbeks** fled the region in the last week,
heading to larger cities or the **Uzbekistan**border. It remains unclear
exactly what instigated the attacks, or who exactly was the organizing force
behind them. Kyrgyzstan's interim government suggested loyalists of
recently-deposed former president Bakiyev were behind the attacks. Though
the recent violence seems to have ebbed, instability remains in **Kyrgyzstan
**, with Uzbeks barricading their neighborhoods and taking their defense
into their own hands.*

* *

















~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Lidah orang yang berakal terletak
di belakang hatinya. Hati orang yang
bodoh terletak di belakang lidahnya~~~


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