Author: bdubbs
Date: 2011-02-20 13:56:33 -0700 (Sun, 20 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 1119

Add hint for ppc32

Added: trunk/ATTACHMENTS/lfs-ppc32/lfs-6.3bookforppc.patch
--- trunk/ATTACHMENTS/lfs-ppc32/lfs-6.3bookforppc.patch                         
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/ATTACHMENTS/lfs-ppc32/lfs-6.3bookforppc.patch 2011-02-20 20:56:33 UTC 
(rev 1119)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter03/packages.xml lfs-6.3forppc/chapter03/packages.xml
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter03/packages.xml     2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter03/packages.xml       2010-01-03 14:04:59.000000000 
+@@ -570,6 +570,15 @@
+     </varlistentry>
+     <varlistentry>
++      <term>Yaboot (&yaboot-version;) - <token>&yaboot-size;</token>:</term>
++      <listitem>
++        <para>Home page: <ulink url="&yaboot-home;"/></para>
++        <para>Download: <ulink url="&yaboot-url;"/></para>
++        <para>MD5 sum: <literal>&yaboot-md5;</literal></para>
++      </listitem>
++    </varlistentry>
++    <varlistentry>
+       <term>Zlib (&zlib-version;) - <token>&zlib-size;</token>:</term>
+       <listitem>
+         <para>Home page: <ulink url="&zlib-home;"/></para>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter05/adjusting.xml 
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter05/adjusting.xml    2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter05/adjusting.xml      2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -36,19 +36,19 @@
+   <para>For the sake of accuracy, it is recommended to use a copy-and-paste
+   method when issuing the following command. Be sure to visually inspect the
+-  specs file and verify that all occurrences of 
+-  have been replaced with <quote>/tools/lib/</quote>:</para>
++  specs file and verify that all occurrences of <quote>/lib/</quote>
++  have been replaced with <quote>/tools/lib/</quote>:</para>
+   <important>
+     <para>If working on a platform where the name of the dynamic linker is
+-    something other than <filename 
+-    replace <quote></quote> with the name of the platform's
++    something other than <filename class="libraryfile"></filename>,
++    replace <quote></quote> with the name of the platform's
+     dynamic linker in the following commands. Refer to <xref
+     linkend="ch-tools-toolchaintechnotes" role=","/> if necessary.</para>
+   </important>
+ <!-- Ampersands are needed to allow copy and paste -->
+-<screen><userinput>gcc -dumpspecs | sed 's@^/lib/;@g' 
++<screen><userinput>gcc -dumpspecs | sed 's@/lib/;@g' \
+   > `dirname $(gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs</userinput></screen>
+   <para>During the build process, GCC runs a script
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
+     and the output of the last command will be of the form:</para>
+ <screen><computeroutput>[Requesting program interpreter:
+-    /tools/lib/]</computeroutput></screen>
++    /tools/lib/]</computeroutput></screen>
+     <para>Note that <filename class="directory">/tools/lib</filename>
+     appears as the prefix of the dynamic linker.</para>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter05/gcc-pass2.xml 
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter05/gcc-pass2.xml    2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter05/gcc-pass2.xml      2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
+     <para>Apply the following patch to change the location of GCC's default
+     dynamic linker (typically <filename
+-    class="libraryfile"></filename>):</para>
++    class="libraryfile"></filename>):</para>
+ <screen><userinput>patch -Np1 -i ../&gcc-specs-patch;</userinput></screen>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter05/ncurses.xml lfs-6.3forppc/chapter05/ncurses.xml
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter05/ncurses.xml      2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter05/ncurses.xml        2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+     <para>Prepare Ncurses for compilation:</para>
+ <screen><userinput>./configure --prefix=/tools --with-shared \
+-    --without-debug --without-ada --enable-overwrite</userinput></screen>
++    --without-debug --without-ada --enable-overwrite 
+     <variablelist>
+       <title>The meaning of the configure options:</title>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter06/chapter06.xml 
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter06/chapter06.xml    2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter06/chapter06.xml      2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="file.xml"/>
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; 
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="flex.xml"/>
+-  <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="grub.xml"/>
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="gawk.xml"/>
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="gettext.xml"/>
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="grep.xml"/>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter06/coreutils.xml 
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter06/coreutils.xml    2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter06/coreutils.xml      2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+     returns <computeroutput>unknown</computeroutput>. The following patch
+     fixes this behavior for Intel architectures:</para>
+-<screen><userinput>patch -Np1 -i 
++<screen><userinput># not on ppc patch -Np1 -i 
+     <para>Prevent Coreutils from installing binaries that will be installed by
+     other packages later:</para>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter06/glibc.xml lfs-6.3forppc/chapter06/glibc.xml
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter06/glibc.xml        2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter06/glibc.xml  2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 -0700
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     to check the Glibc we have just installed with the following:</para>
+ <screen><userinput>sed -i \
+-'s|libs -o|libs -L/usr/lib -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/lib/ -o|' \
++'s|libs -o|libs -L/usr/lib -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/lib/ -o|' \
+         scripts/</userinput></screen>
+     <para>The <command>ldd</command> shell script contains Bash-specific
+@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
+     </indexterm>
+     <para>By default, the dynamic loader (<filename
+-    class="libraryfile">/lib/</filename>) searches through
++    class="libraryfile">/lib/</filename>) searches through
+     <filename class="directory">/lib</filename> and <filename
+     class="directory">/usr/lib</filename> for dynamic libraries that are
+     needed by programs as they are run. However, if there are libraries in
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter06/inetutils.xml 
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter06/inetutils.xml    2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter06/inetutils.xml      2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ <screen><userinput>./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
+     --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
+     --disable-ifconfig --disable-logger --disable-syslogd \
+-    --disable-whois --disable-servers</userinput></screen>
++    --disable-whois </userinput></screen>
+     <variablelist>
+       <title>The meaning of the configure options:</title>
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/chapter06/readjusting.xml 
+--- lfs-6.3/chapter06/readjusting.xml  2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/chapter06/readjusting.xml    2010-01-03 13:53:52.000000000 
+@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
+   <important>
+     <para>If working on a platform where the name of the dynamic linker is
+-    something other than <filename 
+-    substitute <quote></quote> with the name of the platform's
++    something other than <filename class="libraryfile"></filename>,
++    substitute <quote></quote> with the name of the platform's
+     dynamic linker in the following commands. Refer to <xref
+     linkend="ch-tools-toolchaintechnotes" role=","/> if necessary.</para>
+   </important>
+ <screen><userinput>gcc -dumpspecs | sed \
+-    -e 's@/tools/lib/' \
++    -e 's@/tools/lib/' \
+     -e '/\*startfile_prefix_spec:/{n;s@.*@/usr/lib/ @}' \
+     -e '/\*cpp:/{n;s@$@ -isystem /usr/include@}' &gt; \
+     `dirname $(gcc --print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs</userinput></screen>
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+   and the output of the last command will be (allowing for
+   platform-specific differences in dynamic linker name):</para>
+-<screen os="c"><computeroutput>[Requesting program interpreter: 
++<screen os="c"><computeroutput>[Requesting program interpreter: 
+   <para>Note that <filename class="directory">/lib</filename> is now
+   the prefix of our dynamic linker.</para>
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
+   and the output of the last command will be (allowing for
+   platform-specific differences in dynamic linker name):</para>
+-<screen os="s"><computeroutput>found at 
++<screen os="s"><computeroutput>found at 
+   <para os="t">If the output does not appear as shown above or is not received
+   at all, then something is seriously wrong. Investigate and retrace the
+diff -Naur lfs-6.3/packages.ent lfs-6.3forppc/packages.ent
+--- lfs-6.3/packages.ent       2010-01-01 20:18:37.000000000 -0700
++++ lfs-6.3forppc/packages.ent 2010-01-03 14:08:38.000000000 -0700
+@@ -509,6 +509,14 @@
+ <!ENTITY util-linux-ch6-du "17.2 MB">
+ <!ENTITY util-linux-ch6-sbu "0.2 SBU">
++<!ENTITY yaboot-version "1.3.14">
++<!ENTITY yaboot-size "214 KB">
++<!ENTITY yaboot-url 
++<!ENTITY yaboot-md5 "9b1246c474eeb37f61081ad762563b35">
++<!ENTITY yaboot-home "";>
++<!ENTITY yaboot-ch6-du "1.0XX MB">
++<!ENTITY yaboot-ch6-sbu "0.1XX SBU">
+ <!ENTITY vim-version "7.1">
+ <!ENTITY vim-docdir "vim/vim71">
+ <!ENTITY vim-size "6,714 KB">

Added: trunk/lfsppc32.txt
--- trunk/lfsppc32.txt                          (rev 0)
+++ trunk/lfsppc32.txt  2011-02-20 20:56:33 UTC (rev 1119)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+AUTHOR:                        Jimmy Anderson  <>
+DATE:                  2011-02-12
+LICENSE:               GNU Free Documentation License  Version 1.2
+SYNOPSIS:              How to build LFS for PowerPC (32bit) 
+Most of the LFS book instructions also work, as is, for building a PowerPC 
+system.   But not all of them.   A few deviations from the instructions 
+found in the LFS books are needed to build a PowerPC LFS system.
+This hint describes how to build LFS versions 5.1.1, 6.3, 6.5, 
+6.6 & 6.7 for PowerPC.   
+This hint does not describe how to build the PowerPC kernel or boot
+loader.   Those are left as an exercise for the reader.   The CLFS
+book may be helpful in learning how to build a bootloader and kernel 
+for a PowerPC system.  
+This hint only describes building PowerPC 32bit architecture.   It  does 
+not describe how to build LFS for the PowerPC 64 bit machines.
+A PowerPC machine running the proper tool set is required to build LFS.   
+A PowerPC eMAC G4 running Fedora 10 is known to work with the instructions 
+in this hint (except for building LFS 5.1.1).   
+Familiarity with building LFS for x86 machines.  The reader ought to
+have built LFS for x86 at least once prior to attempting a build for
+Always follow the instructions in the LFS book exactly as written 
+except for the deviations as described in this hint...
+The dynamic linker for PowerPC is   So, in all cases, instead
+of using the string '' as found in the LFS book, use 
+'' instead.
+Always skip the build step of the grub bootloader package.
+It is not needed on PowerPC and typically will not even compile for 
+LFS provides a 'uname' patch for the coreutils package which is applied 
+during the Chapter 6 build of coreutils.   The 'uname' patch does not
+work for PowerPC and the build of coreutils will fail if it is applied.
+This patch does not appear to be crucial so simply do not apply it during 
+building of coreutils.   If the fix provided by the 'uname' patch is 
+important to the reader, a processor independent version of it might be 
+available somewhere in the CLFS download area.
+JHALFS can be used to build LFS for PowerPC but the user must download
+the LFS book, apply the needed PowerPC changes to it, and then point JHALFS
+at the modified book to use as a 'working copy'.   
+LFS 5.1.1 specific instructions:
+   (5.1.1 is still interesting cause it is the last of the 2.4 based 
+   LFS books) 
+   Chap 5 & 6:
+   1) use instead of when patching gcc specs file. 
+   Chap 5:
+   2) The gcc pass 2 specs patch is broken on PowerPC.   
+      Instead of the patch, you have to go find and fix up the sysv4.h 
+      file up by hand.
+   Chap 6:
+   3) Skip the coreutils uname patch.
+   4) Skip grub bootloader build on ppc.
+   (Fedora 10 does not work for building LFS 5.1.1.  You'll need to 
+    find an older PowerPC distro to build 5.1.1.)
+LFS 6.3 specific instructions:
+   The attached patch "lfs-6.3bookforppc.patch" can be applied to the 
+   LFS 6.3 release book to create a LFS 6.3 book that will build for 
+   PowerPC.  (It also contains some other changes not related to PowerPC).
+LFS 6.4 does not build for PowerPC due to tool chain issues and it cannot
+   be easily made to do so.   
+LFS 6.5 and LFS 6.6 build for PowerPC without any deviations from the book.
+LFS 6.7:
+    When building zlib in Chapter 6, omit '-mstackrealign' from the
+    definition of CFLAGS.   It is an unsupported compiler option on
+    PowerPC.   
+LFS 6.8:
+    6.8 is not yet released and so it is too early to say for sure but at 
+    this time, it looks like it may build for PowerPC with the only
+    needed deviation being as described above for LFS 6.7.
+The excellent work of the LFS development team.
+Initial version.

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