w'salam..maksudnyer..wife dia dah tak sudi lg kat dier..tu yg dia dah tak bentang sejadah..maksudnyer he is not welcome anymore..okay ka?after 18 years..maksudnyer..she gave 18 years to her husband to repent or to do his obligation as a husband..tp dia tak wat..moralnyer..kalau brother tu..siang2 lg dah wat hal..bak kata kak hafsa..let him go..before u suffer..haha..patah tumbuh hilang berganti..atau..sekali petik sepuluh yang datang tauu........ala..ni sumer rezeki orang maa..but to ask for divorce tu..cam..no komen ah..i rasa tak patut..
lagi satu kesimpulan..wat adik2 terchinta..hihi..kalau hang tak bitau ur feeling..camner orang nak tahu..itu yg khadijah wat kan???? erm tapi yg lebih2 tu pun kene ikut khadijah la kan..tp dalam kes ni..i rasa the wife should have discussed with her husband,,..u know..u cant expect ur husband to know ur feeeling unless u tell him kan? tu yg pompuan silap tu..selalu ingat lelaki tahu ape dia pk..pastu kalau interm of friend rerasanyer..ada hadith kan..yg cakap u have to tell ur sahabat that u like him/her..and u r advised to give present to each other so that rasa sayang tu bertambah,kan??...ke saya tersilap?tp tuk friend la..i dunno whether u can implement it on thers..but as usual...no komen..sape2 nak betulkan sileeeekan..
till then..
-sarah seth-
*it is time to forgive and forget*


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