Assalamualaikum guys....rindu laks kat korang, doakan kamu semua dlm keadaan yg sihat sejahtera!!
anyway,yeah, long time i guess i havent given out my 2cents to anyone,so tgn gatal kembali.... life, well, good, got a job, most of the people that kinda know me might be suprised, but im now a computer teacher for a sek ren here in klang, best part is that still get to keep my Loooooong Hair!!!! 'think like great teacher onizuka' hehe yet, well, i still remember in the days when we were studnets, we kept talk'g and langsung tak nak dengo ckp cikgu, now i pulak kene, tension ma..... but the thing that well, i felt the most was that we sometimes take things for granted.... there were times that we as studnets would kutuk the teacher, and sometimes we actually made teachers lives a living hell. i also admit to this crime.....and thought that teachers actually sux....till this job. teachers, well, are more like a certain point...not that its a bad job, tapi keadaan yg menyebabkan begitu.....honestly, my pay is way higher then most average teachers in my school, yet, me being the youngest, they belanje aku makan...treat me well too, macam anak,guess this is what i can at least do.... reason? no idea, just felt i should write things out of how things really are..... The teachers have too prepare the subject, that they are gonna teacher today, tomorrow, next week, this month, and a full year planner of the full course.. which i think is way crazy!!! hope things will go down a bit, teachers arent robots u know..... The Teachers have to include themselves in so many kursus, which take up most of their weekend time. where's family time for them? all this new scheme in learning for next year is chaos, kursus's done every moment, wonder if there is even any planning set into them by the goverment, coz this seem so random and foolish.. Teachers can't take any bank loan, unless under gover'mental' agencies, and that too has to many stupid laws around them...guess trying to keep teachers as poor as possible... raises?naik gaji? kene belajo balik, sambung masters or something...tapi, kursus by k'jaan cume 3thn belajo, tapi gaji only for the 1st 6 months of that year....nak makan rumput ker? plus with the "no bank loan law" camner nak improve their lives? cannot hentam me, my 2nd job here is merely open komputer prog SSDM (student disiplin system something), type name budak tuh, kesalahan yg ke-'who knows',kesalahan aper... pastuh pilih hukuman yg diberi....plg berat 3 rotan???? and kong ajo kepada cikgu, paling berat is STILL amaran??? asal tak rotan ajer??? ustazah sekolah sebelah my skool kene berhenti pasal cili mulut murid yg kong ajo? worse still, parents dtg cam caring sangat la. anak saye baik la, or worse would be one that scream down the hallway say'g "kenapa fitnah anak saya camtuh!!!" parents are blinded by false love...("saya kasi anak saya duit setiap hari supaya dier happy" ...stupid) as rumours confirm...dpt arahan ajer...LAKSANAKAN!!!! think, it was cuti sem break 1 minggu, cikgu semua dah beli tiket nak balik kampung masing2, pastuh dpt program for hal ehwal murid on the last friday b4 holidays, nak kene hanto bile sekolah bukak...sedih tgk setgh cikgu cam nak menangis kerana cannot go back home/kampung...tiket burn...and i had a "great time" trying to figure out a program that has no manual!!! i couldn't even install the things till later that week... not to say that things are so bad...some thing are good to, but the bad out-weight the good...feel so sad, and feel bersalah kerana salah anggap kat cikgu over the years...and its now to late either...saper yg tgh belaja, atau adik tgh belaja, tell them to respect teachers with all their heart, pasal cikgu nie sanggup korbankan diri demi kidding, bukan takder keje lain tau... MY REAL REASON!!!!!!! the world is a bad situation..... just think of this kisah..... a school i gotta know, well, masuk paper, bukan menang hadiah or something, but coz someone died.... citer dier camnie.... This form 5 boy,A, was chatting to some girl is some other school, said something wrong i guess. and she was really, she told her frens, who were form 4 studnets from the same school with A. so, on 20-9-03,saturday i think, this boy went to tuition, somewhere here in klang....,tgk2 cikgu sakit, cancel he and some frens gi minum kat kedai berdekatan....... suddenly, some guys holding parangs and hockeys stick jumped out from a van....seeing this, A knew there were after him, and ran as fast as possible...until he reached the main road.... 'A' failed to see a car coming towards him...hit him squarely in the chest, bust'g his guts...he died on the spot...then, the kids that wanted to hit him ran to the nearest police station and said "kawan kami kene langgar"...yet the driver came with a different story "he ran to my car!", how i knew this was coz the inspector that handled this case is one of the PIBG in my school, and dier ader citer with me la.... so when police finally placed the clues 2gether, they called the boys with their parent, tapi, parents diorg buat lagi 'blinded love" "anak saya baik la," and "time tuh anak saya baru jer balik dari game hoki", and they were all rich!!!!! tutup kesalahan anak tuh habis2!! so it came to be, these studnets kene hukuman 2 thn gaks, the parents are blaming the school teachers for not taking care/handling these things.... sedih tak? cikgu tuh takde kuasa nak pukul budak, then biler time camnie, cikgu jadi pesalah...and this boy 'A' bukan budak jahat, he played the piano in church every sunday, mmg budak baik type, a sad thought budak nie die too young..... so, what do u think? what can we do? i would like to hear some ideas about this....thats all,at least an idea in our mind, or to merely awaken u people the the REAL situation we face here,today..... so, with that, sekolah nak tutup, so im going off now, take care and WasalamZ -Terreywe- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? 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