Assalamualaikum ,and HI, well, this is somthing i put off for such a long time, I wrote a bit and got dizzy remembering the detail....but , after sometime, i finish it, so, pls give it a read ok.......
Drenched wet, waiting in my place
Looking around, for a familiar face…
As people go by, smiling and laughing
Reminiscent thoughts, feelings start flying
Happiness and joy, bitterness and sorrow…
Wonder if things will be better tomorrow….
Death is something that comes and goes.
Yet when is Death's call, no one knows,
But have I achieved enough, to be satisfied?
Should today be my last, should I had died?
What changes should be made and also avoided?
My mind-filled-questions start to get crowded…
Screeching sound breaks the moment,
Wondering what had broke my torment
Yet what I saw, merely added my pain,
Bombarded guilt, hitting me like the rain
Amidst this rain and mass-confusion
People rushing to see the destruction
Like flies swarming a piece of food,
Merely disturbing, darkening the mood.
Not much help, just to stupidly participate,
No assistance, they stand there and wait,
The scene, unnerving, my insanity explode(s)
A semi breathing body, lying on the road
With baskets of food, for her beloved family
I ask why must she, be part of this tragedy?
Sitting down, with my blood stained hands
Looking at the scene, where destruction stands
Where madness, sadness and lifeless co-existed
In me, devoured me, left me void and twisted  
Yet, am I crazy? Insane? For feeling this way?
I see people marching carelessly, walking away,
As if nothing had happened, just an illusion?
Am I mad? Dead? Or having a delusion?
I guess that we humans couldn't care less,
We think only for ourselves, we're heartless,
We have plunged down, in the abyss of decay
We slowly turn putrid, rancid, day by day.
And as we nurture this 'illness', this seed
It seem that the devil is what we breed
Within us……….
about 3 months ago, an accident  happen it front of me while waiting for a bus, near sunway Pyrmd. A lady kene langgar and flew in the air, falling down, hitting the divider, yet still breathing.......The driver who hit her, we forced him to send her to the hospital, so as we were carrying, he opened his BACK CAR COMPARTMENT and ask us to place her there.....Ingat mayat ker?...scolded him, and then he place her nicely, and went off..... the thing is, it was a gruesome thing, but soon after the lady had left, no one seem to care.......they were smiling again, some laughing....i wonder what is their secret... how can they just completely forget what happen so soon.......  i was sad at that moment,  felt, like all these wars around the world, its not that we dont care, its just that we FORGET to caare right??? if thats the case, i'll forget every bad deed i did, and do it again and again (im mumbling), konsep keinsafan is important, to know what we did and not make the same mistake again...something like that i having a headache, so i'll stop now......take care and WasalamZ 
 From GILER_Lost_My_Brains

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