Parenting Program by Islamic Information & Services (IIS)

Facing the Challenges of Parenting in the Modern Age




7th February 2004

8.30am - 6.00pm



Lecture Hall, IIS

1-5-2 Prima Peninsula,

Jalan Setiawangsa 11,

54200 Kuala Lumpur

(Level 5, above Saba Islamic Media)


Dear Participant,

Welcome to the first Parenting Program, organized by IIS. This program is designed to assist parents with young children.

Insha`Allah, a similar program will be held later on in the year with special emphasis on parenting for older children, namely teenagers.



1)  To provide a foundation for effective and positive parenting through understanding the Laws of Learning and the Khalifah Method.

2) To present practical and realistic methods for raising young children growing up in the modern world.

3) To provide information necessary for creating ‘The Tranquil Home’, needed for raising individuals of excellent character, who collectively will form the best ummah on Earth, enjoining good and forbidding evil, fully submitting, willingly and lovingly to the commands of their Creator, Allah (S.W.T).



·         FEE : RM90 per participant or RM150 for husband and wife couple

·         Lunch & Refreshments provided

·         Materials provided:

  -  -Book ­­­­­-’Shaping Excellent Character’

  -   VCD’s -’Laws of Learning’ and ‘Khalifah Method of Parenting’

  -   Relevant articles and papers (Other materials will be available for sale at the venue)

(Please note that the materials provided are worth RM30. The balance after direct costs (inc. food) will be used  as a token for speakers and contribution towards IIS)

·         The program will be conducted in English    

      Please register now – limited seating



1)            How Children Learn

2)            Raising A Khalifah Child in a Western Influenced World

3)            The Tranquil Home

4)            Nutrition & Early Brain Development

5)            The Impact of T.V. on Children’s Minds and Intellectual Growth

6)            and more…..



1)            Parents with children up to the age of 12

2)            Newly weds planning to have children

3)            Grandparents

4)            Kindergarten and School teachers

5)            Childcare workers / Caretakers

6)            Students

7)            Anybody interested in raising of children in the modern world




1) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Mahdi

He was trained in Nuclear electronics, US Navy, USA. He was formerly an officer at one of the world’s foremost theoretical physics research centers, USA. He held the positions as Director of Princeton Child Development Institute, USA; Professor of Child / Clinical psychology, State University of New York, USA; Chief Psychologist, Head Start Program, USA; and Research Coordinator for Children’s Values Education Programs, US Office of Child Development, USA. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Mahdi also wrote a book on cosmology (the study of the origin of the universe).


He was the Director of Malaysia: Nation of Character Program (MNOC) for LPPKN in the Ministry of Women and Family Development as well as Director of Parent Training for ABIM.


Prof. Muhammad runs one of the world’s largest Islamic websites ( which is visited over 1 million times per month from about 130 countries. He is currently a lecturer for SABA Islamic Media & IIS on Parenting and Signs of the Creator. He is working with Multimedia University on the production of an animated TV series on the Khalifah Project, and is the former coordinator and advisor of the Khalifah Project model school program in Sekolah Islam Adni, Taman Sri Ukay.


2) Prof. Malik Badri

Born in Sudan in 1932, Professor Malik Badri received his BA. (with distinction) and his M.A. from the American University of Beirut and his Ph.D. from the University of Leicester, England. He holds a Postdoctoral Certificate of Clinical Psychology from the Department of Psychiatry of the Middlesex Hospital Medical School of London University, and is a Fellow and Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society. He has been a Clinical Fellow of the Behaviour Therapy and Research Society founded by J. Wolpe since 1985, and is currently Professor of Psychology and Acting Dean of ISTAC in Kuala Lumpur.


Professor Malik is Honorary and Founding President of the Sudanese Psychological Society and President of the International Association of Muslim Psychologists. He has also been a UNESCO Expert in psychology and a WHO panel member (elected expert in the Committee on Traditional Medical Practices) and co-author of two studies on mental health problems in developing countries. Prof. Malik has authored several books including 'The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists' and has had decades of experience in counselling individuals from all walks of life, especially families.




As seating is limited and for catering purposes, we encourage registration a.s.a.p. preferably before the 29th January 2004.


Please give your details – Name(s) of Participant, Telephone/HP, Email, Fax,          No of Participants and Total Fees and fax to IIS at 6-03-42604160.

You may also email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to register.

For further details, please contact Sister Lana at 016-6890004.



Payment can be made at:

Islamic Information

& Services Foundation (IIS)

1-5-2 Prima Peninsula,

Jalan Setiawangsa 11,

Taman Setiawangsa,

54200 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 6-03-42604160


Saba Islamic Media Sdn Bhd

1-2-1 Prima Peninsula,

Jalan Setiawangsa 11,

Taman Setiawangsa,

54200 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 6-03-42518792


Registration is on first-come-first-serve basis.


Please note that fees are non-refundable, but transferable.


*** frens kt UIA : x silap ana on the same weekend ada kursus Pemikiran Sistemik kat Kuliyyah Engin?, by bro. Fazrul Ismail ... yuran RM20, so ... either or, both inshaALlah menarik + bermanfaat


Nurin Mazaya Zulkifli

"Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah, for without doubt; only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction."(13:28)

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