
firstly, i must say, I LIKE IT!!! well, it is reality,
that we try to hide behind the door and stuff...

but the sad reality, i dont remember to well, it that
it was mention, i think hadith, quoting that "go in
search in knowledge even to China", why was china
mention? it was , and still is , a centre of
knowledge, so why do we (malays) condemn the chinese,
when zaman dulu we agongkan their kepandaian? 

as muez mention, do we live for our bangsa or deen, it
 SHOULD BE DEEN, but sadly for bangsa, so we, in other
words, are a waste of talent and time, tul tak?

i like what my dad always tells me, "i'll be happy the
day when 2 million Malaysian Chinese masuk Islam"...
and WHY NOT!!! think ok, and take care

toilet paper ker aper2 la, yg penting tuh, niat dier
is he/she wants to CLEAN THEMSELVES!!! why do we mock
the chinese for the toilet paper, but not the old
arabs that use sand/stone to wipe it off??? THINK LA
and well, enjoy or whateva, that was rather stupid la 

(saper2 yg terase, sori yer....(^__^), nasihat skit
dari saya la, and i think the one who wrote this
critics is actually a malay too.just a hunch la)

--- Abdul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assalamu 'alaikum
> Kawan yang forward kat ana pasal ni.  Maybe takde
> kaitan dengan kita (or maybe ada??), tapi mungkin
> boleh kita perhatikan akan hakikat persekitaran
> dunia yang kita hidup ini (di Malaysia??).  Baik
> buruk kandungan dakwaan ni masing-masing kita
> nilailah sendiri.  Kita hidup untuk bangsa atau kita
> hidup untuk deen kita?  Renung-renunglah (hai
> diriku)...
> Wassalam
> p.s. 'afwan kalau ada offensive words dalam email di
> bawah...
> Marquette University
> Milwaukee
> _________________
> I don't usually repost these craps, but i find this
> one somewhat amusing and almost always true, other
> than the part criticizing our choice to use water
> instead from toilet paper.  these are pretty darn
> accurate i would say.
> WHAT CHINESE THINKS OF MALAYS (more like "Facts of
> Malays") 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 01. You MALAY call each other 'BODOH' for fun, and
> too 'BODOH' to realize it's an offensive word. 
> 02. You're the LAZIEST person on God's earth. 
> 03. Always update with "lagu-lagu A-minor",
> "lagu-lagu rindu" and "wayang 
> hindustani". 
> 04. Always give a very long honourable speech start
> from Duli Yang Maha Mulia, Tan Sri, Puan Sri, YB-YB,
> Yang Berbahagia Datuk, Datuk-Datuk, Datin-Datin,
> Tuan Haji, Tuan Pengerusi Majlis.. and last sometime
> least...."rakyat jelata" sekalian......."terlebih
> dahulu saya ingin membuka majlis dengan
> asalamualaikuwaramatulahiwabarakatu......" 
> 05. Many Malay ended at "pusat pemulihan dadah" for
> common drug abuse. 
> 06. "Air sirap" is the cheapest drink you can
> afford. 
> 07. You like to tease and act perverted when someone
> with sexual appeal passing by. 
> 08. You self proclaimed from a superior race
> (Arabs). 
> 09. You love to eat, especially FREE FOOD. 
> 10. Malay favourite quote = REZEKI JANGAN DI TOLAK. 
> 11. Malay least favourite word = JANJI MELAYU. 
> 12. Your girls got a mouthfull of chicken's ass
> (loudmouths). 
> 13. You can't stand it and always keep on staring at
> someone who are better 
> dressing/looking rather than your back-dated looks. 
> 14. You wear your shirt more than 4 times before
> wash it. 
> 15. You feel it's not right to eat first before
> everybody gets their meal (while your meal is 
> getting cold). 
> 16. You got that annoying habit of wanting people to
> acknowledge you. 
> 17. You know for the fact that you are supersticious
> (bomohs and dukuns). 
> 18. You know for the fact that Malay jokes are
> decently lame and you always force yourself to laugh
> when other malay joker telling their lame jokes. 
> 19. You always try to take advantage on other people
> work.. 
> 20. You are trained to be a sweet talker. 
> 21. You love to offer drinks to your boss while
> polishing his shoe. 
> 22. You always pick on juniors. 
> 23. You don't care if everyone in your class/office
> know for the fact that you are lazy. 
> 24. You are very protective on your seniority. 
> 25. You are quite a slow thinker. 
> 26. You prefer to borrow people's stuff rather than
> buy it, but hardly return it back. 
> 27. You also always use other's property without
> asking permission. 
> 28. Many of you are not sincere when making friend
> with non-malays. 
> 29. You always waste your time in the public phone
> talking about "janji-janji manis", "omong-omong
> kosong", "aku hidup dalam blues", "Hindi superstar"
> and "cinta-sayang". (these are direct quotes...) 
> 30. Malay most popular ambition... 
> * to the public = "ingin menjadi seorang insan yang
> berguna" 
> * in reality = to be a clerk, despatch, factory
> worker
> 31. Gossip are number 1 favourite past time. 
> 32. Malay favourite magazine are URTV, Mangga,
> Jelita, Remaja and Variasari. 
> 33. Mark as "bangsa pendengki" by other race in
> Malaysia. 
> 34. When someone giving a speech, a Malay usually
> will nod their head (kepala terangguk-angguk) not to
> show that they understand, but just simply to act
> that they understand in a serious manner. 
> 35. Deep in the eyes of Malay, the meaning of
> 36. Malay got less friend from other races
> because... 
> * Malay are too proud of their own language which
> makes them stuck-up 
> * Malay also ignore that other etnic groups and
> foreign people are willing to learn to speak in
> Malay while got other knowledge in other language.
> (so now you know why this email is written in
> 37. In Malaysia, people said "wear condom and don't
> forget to take a bath with Dettol if you make love
> to a Malay". 
> 38. An example of a Malay with good grades =
> 39. A Malay boss are known as 
> * intimidating his staff 
> * Sexual harrasing & Blackmailing 
> * Welcome more family member and friends to join the
> company 
> * Corruption 
> * Always bring company's item home for personel use.
> 40. Malay, as the biggest population in Malaysia,
> are always feels threaten with the 
> minority Christian in the country. 
> 41. Malay chicks always dream to have sex with White
> Man but always ended get f*ck by their own species.
> (Im sorry if this offended you, but it was a
> promise) 
> 42. Most babies found in the bushes and dustbin are
> Malay. 
> 43. Most adultery/incest cases are by Malay. 
> 44. Most divorce cases are by Malay couple. 
> 45. Most yuppie wannabes are Malay. 
> 46. Malay man got the habit using sink/wash hand
> area to rinse and wash their penis mostly in their
> bathroom, hostel and also in the public toilet. 
> 47. Malay love to make fun at people who use toilet
> paper to wipe ass because they love to touch their
> sh*t with their hand. 
> 48. Malay knows that other races could not dare to
> eat malay food not because of the spices but because
> the food was process by their ass-wiping-hand. 
> 49. Malay use toilet paper in Malay restaurant/food
> court/warung to wipe customer's 
> mouth and hand. 
> 50. A typical malay Ready-to-wear..... 
> *a long, torn jeans, 
=== message truncated ===

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