don't get too excited (referring to pakcik ghani's writing). the guardian
punya tulisan memang macam ni. their writings are pretty much out of the
box people.

Faiz Sahri
Bintulu, Sarawak.

                      Khansa Zulkiflee                                          
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      family05 <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, endurejasin                              
                      com>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
sccomp4cast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "alumni      
                      Sent by:                  hira'" <>, 
besh5 besh5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]         cc:                             
                           Subject: [Alumni Hira] Fw: 
[jim-salam] Fwd: [NaqibNet Diskusi]Fingerpointing      has  
                                                started in Israeili Camp.       
                      13/08/2006 08:00                                          
                      Please respond to                                         
                      Khansa Zulkiflee;                                         
                      Please respond to                                         
                      Alumni Hira                                               

 ----- Forwarded Message ----
 From: AbdGhani Binujang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: jim-salam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Cc: HISAlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Surfing Angels
 Sumaiyah Abd Ghani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fatimah AbdGhani
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Kamarul Ariffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Abd Raqib
 Abd Ghani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "RahayuAbdGhani<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
 Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:26:36 AM
 Subject: [jim-salam] Fwd: [NaqibNet Diskusi] Fingerpointing has started in
 Israeili Camp.

 Assaamu 'alaikum wr wb,
 Aiyuha al-ikhwat il-kiram,

 Alhamdulillah. ini berita yang amat baik sekali. Ia menunjukkan doa' para
 mukiminin serta dibantu oleh "Public opinion" yang telah berjaya
 digembeling telah mula membuahkan hasil. Israel sudah mula GONCANG dan

 Ummat Islam mesti terus meningkatkan dan mengmebeling "Public Opinion"
 diserata dunia samaada dari kalangan ummat Islam mahu pun BUKAN Islam
 supaya menekan Regim Zionis yang ternyata sekali KEJAM dan TIDAK BERHAT

 Ini tidak sekali-kali bermakna ummat Islam boleh terus membiarkan AS dan
 Barat menghalang ummat Islam membangunkan kekuatankekuatan ketenteraan
 bagi MELINDUNGI dan MEMPERTAHANKAN diri sendiri paling tidaknya dari
 kerakusan REGIM ZALIM seperti AS dan Zionis yang mengasai mereka. Kita dan
 seluruh dunia wajar menyansikan keikhlasan As an EU khususnya
 terutamasekali bia berurusan dengan Islam.

 Wa Allah a'alam.

 Abd Ghani Bin Ujang.
 13hb Ogos 2006.

 Nasiruddin Abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  From: "Nasiruddin Abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 17:48:44 +0800
  Subject: [NaqibNet Diskusi] Fingerpointing has started in Israeili Camp.

  Wobbling Olmert dismays politicians, army and public

  Julian Borger in Jerusalem
  Saturday August 12, 2006
  The Guardian

  Israel's prime minister, Ehud Olmert, last night wobbled on a tightrope
  between war and peace, jostled by domestic public opinion dismayed at his
  strategic leadership in the conflict so far, and disappointed by the
  proposed UN peace deal.
  In a few hours, Mr Olmert switched from apparent acceptance of a UN
  ceasefire resolution to ordering a full invasion in frustration at the
  resolution's shortcomings, and then to signalling his possible
  acceptance, although it was unclear if there were any broad changes in
  the document. The extraordinary manoeuvres seemed likely to reinforce his
  reputation of wavering at a time of war, on a day on when fresh polls
  suggested his performance as a war leader had significanly damaged his
  Mr Olmert's rivals, particularly on the right, were writing his political
  obituary, while the liberal Haaretz newspaper on its front page declared:
  "Olmert must go". Military officials had also leaked word of their
  unhappiness the prime minister had suspended their invasion plan to give
  the diplomats in New York a final chance.
  The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) general staff see the ceasefire as a
  defeat, as in their eyes it leaves Hizbullah armed, at least initially,
  with the militia's reputation enhanced by withstanding Israeli might.
  Mr Olmert's has sometimes been called the "accidental prime minister"; a
  former mayor of Jerusalem, picked by Ariel Sharon as a pliant deputy, he
  unexpectedly inherited the top job when his mentor had a devastating
  stroke in January.
  He held on to the position in March elections but the war, which
  initially rallied the country behind him, has weakened him considerably
  in the past days.
  Mr Olmert's lack of military experience had always been compared
  unfavourably to Mr Sharon's record as an aggressive general; that deficit
  became all the more glaring with the outbreak of war. He is under
  constant pressure to demonstrate he can walk in his predecessor's boots,
  and prove he can be "more Sharon than Sharon".
  The poll published by Haaretz showed his rating had plummeted from 75% at
  the start of the war to 48% yesterday, with only 20% of those polled
  saying they thought Israel was winning. More than half the public said a
  leader with military experience would have performed better.
  On the left, the prime minister has been under attack for over-reacting
  to the initial Hizbullah raid and abduction of two soldiers on July 12,
  provoking a battle that - by the elusive nature of its adversary - the
  IDF can never decisively win.
  Yossi Sarid, a leading voice on the left compared it to a football match
  in which a first division team beats a fourth division team 10-1."The
  weaker team will forever celebrate its goal," he said. "Unfortunately
  Hizbullah has scored much more than one goal. It's a bad result for
  Israel's three most celebrated leftwing authors, Amos Oz, David Grossman,
  and AB Yehoshua, wrote an open letter to the prime minister on Thursday,
  calling on him to cut short the offensive and accept a Lebanese
  government offer to deploy its own troops along the border.
  On the right, meanwhile, Mr Olmert is denounced as a vacillator who
  waited for four weeks before finally deciding on a full invasion, holding
  the army back while he waited for compromise at the UN.
  Both left and right agree that Israel is left looking dangerously weak in
  what they see as a proxy war with Iran.
  A Haaretz columnist, Ari Shavit, wrote a front page commentary yesterday:
  "If Olmert runs away now from the war he initiated, he will not be able
  to remain prime minister for even one more day."
  Avraham Diskin, a professor at Hebrew University, predicted the likely
  outcome of a peace deal on the lines discussed last night at the UN would
  strengthen the extremes in Israeli politics at the expense of centrists
  like Mr Olmert's Kadima party, in what he described as political
  escapism. "It's similar to people who learn they have cancer. It's very
  difficult to face reality when there are no solutions," he said.
  The leading role in the war played by the Labour leader, Amir Peretz,
  serving as defence minister, has also badly dented his popularity - only
  37% of Israelis now think he is doing a good job - so the greatest
  beneficiary of Mr Olmert's difficulties has been the rightwing Likud
  Binyamin Netanyahu, its leader, won 58% approval in yesterday's Haaretz
  poll. Defeated at the election, he was yesterday poised to renew his
  challenge to Mr Olmert's leadership. Yuval Steinitz, a Likud Knesset
  member close to him, said that if the Olmert government accepted the UN
  ceasefire it should step down and call an election, or face a vote of no
  confidence. "This is the worst management of a war in Israel's history,"
  Mr Steinitz told the Guardian.
  "The government will not be able to look the Israeli people or its
  soldiers in the eye. They told the soldiers to risk their lives and told
  two million Israelis to sit in underground shelters for what? For a UN
  resolution that gives victory to Hizbullah?"

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