Thanks Rin for the HIGHLIGHT! :) Already emailed to Bee regarding the choral 
speaking... Konsertnye 4/3/07. InsyaAllah, kak el balik ke KL 8-11hb January 
ni. Kalau sempat kejar, boleh lah helo2 kak el.. ok? :) Banyak nak melawat 
sedara mara sementara di KL... :) 
Don't expect too much though... Dah banyak lupa la... :) 

Solehah women SMILE in trouble, gather strength from DOA and grow brave by 

----- Original Message ----
From: Nurin Mazaya Zulkifli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Alumni Hira <hira@alumni-hira.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7:22:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Alumni Hira] CHORAL SPEAKING: Bantuan utk Hira S.A

wa3alaykumussalam ...

ukhtil kareemah :)

guna teks apa ye ukhti? asifah tak dpt membantu ... seingat ana time rehearsal 
dolu2 mcm pernah nampak Dr. El pun join masa kt MGS ... kot2 Dr. El cuti balik 
kampung bolehlah ajak turun padang tolong ...

just to remind you, Mdm Elina Choong lives just around the corner if you need 
her help - she might still have the videos and scripts - she might not be able 
to come for rehearsals but will certainly be happy to lend you those things 
inshALlah ... 

eh adik2 the 6ixths pun tere gak kot bab performance mcm ni? lebih kurang je 
choral speaking dgn show depa dulu2 time AGM dak? ;)


fatonah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Ada sesiapa yg pernah mengetuai/melatih/terlibat dengan grup 
Choral Speaking?

Hira' Shah Alam akan mengadakan konsert pada 4/3/2007 nanti dan salah satu 
persembahan yg ada adalah Choral Speaking. Jadi sekola memerlukan guideline 
drpd mereka yg berpengalaman.

Tak perlu turun sekola setiap kali latihan, cuma mungkin bole beri panduan kpd 
mlm/mlmh yg akan melatih pelajar. Tp kalau dapat hadir utk setiap sesi latihan, 
pastinya kecil tapak tangan, nyiru mereka tadahkan..

Jadi, kpd yg mahu membantu boleh hubungi Nabeehah (019-3042130) atau terus 
Mlmh Khairiah (017-6376135) A.S.A.P


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