I was not involved in writing any questions/answers. However I am thinking of 
buying some of the cards just of out curiousity! I can understand the concern 
about the memorization aspect versus true understanding, application- a.k.a 
"knowledge". I definately think that this would be a drawback. I have worked 
with a number of folks who seemed to have memorized information for the test 
but either do not seem to have retained any of it, and/or unable to apply any 
of the details of that information when in a real laboratory situation. (and 
have apparantly also lost the ability to look up needed information).  I can 
also see that the HT versus HTL topic lists do not seem to coincide much with 
the topic and study lists published for registry exam preparation on the ASCP 
website? I know that the special stains list is most definately not a match. Go 
It will be interesting to see what reply is posted.
Joelle> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; > Date: Sat, 27 Sep 
2008 11:28:56 -0400> Subject: RE: [Histonet] HTL Flash Cards?> CC: > > I had 
never heard of them, so I looked them up on the website. Morrison> Media 
www.mo-med.com> > They sell all kinds of flashcards and study guides for lots 
of tests. Under> the E-H category, where the HT and HTL flashcards have a link, 
there are> also links to Electrician exam, Paramedic exam, First Responder 
test,> Funeral Service test, GED, GRE, GMAT - you get the idea. > > According 
to their general blurb, they have experts in the field writing the> flashcards. 
Does anyone know any histotech involved in writing the> flashcards? I'd love 
for them to talk about this.> > I think for some people, having flashcards 
would fit with their style of> learning - give them soundbites of information 
on topics, instead of having> them read entire books. Or use this as a 
supplement to studying. Or have> them in their purse/pocket where they can pull 
out a card and study on the> go, instead of a book.> > But I do have some 
concerns about the flashcards and the test taking> information this company 
supplies. If there is someone out there who helped> write the cards, or someone 
who has bought the cards to respond, that would> be helpful.> - They have 
topics divided into 2 tests (have to pay separate for them) - HT> and HTL. But 
when I look at what's on the HT exam vs. what's on the HTL> exam, I have some 
concerns.> - HTL need to know chemical fixatives, HT are supposed to know 
chemical and> physical fixation.> - HTL need to know autolysis, HT are supposed 
to know autolysis and> putrefaction> - HTL need to know acid decalcification, 
HT are supposed to know> decalcification and chelation> - HT are supposed to 
know Immunofluorescence, Electron microscopy, Carbowax> and Celloidin, which 
are not listed on the HTL topics (yet ASCP HTL exam> would include these 
topics, but ASCP HT exam would not)> - The only stains listed for HT are H&E, 
Mucopolysaccharides, Hyaluronidase,> Gomori Trichrome. > - HTL stains include 
Connective tissue, PTAH, Bacteria, Fungus, Gram,> Auramine-Rhodamine, Exogenous 
pigments, Minerals. Yet on the ASCP HT exam,> all these stains are also 
required for the HT exam.> You get the idea.> > Also, under the 
"Histotechnology Exam Secrets Study Guide", they are saying> that their 
histotechnology exam study guide will help people "beat the test> taking game", 
and that their research in the HT and HTL exam offered by ASCP> "reveals 
specific weaknesses that you can exploit".> > Basically, what followed were 
test taking tips - how to guess to your> advantage, how to tell the difference 
between right answers and clever> sounding traps, how random bits of 
information often give away the right> answer, how to look for key words to 
identify the correct answer, etc.> > Yet I know that the ASCP Board of Registry 
has (or at least did have) a> psychometrician on staff - someone with a PhD in 
test writing, who works> with the histotechs and pathologists writing the exam 
questions, to> eliminate all the above "clues".> > Between this company's 
"tips" and the customer testimonials that they only> studied for 1 week (one 
case, 5 hours) and passed the exam - I'm worried> about people who aren't 
studying for the HT/HTL exam, and think these test> taking clues will help them 
pass. This isn't like taking the GRE, where you> can get by with some math and 
grammar background that can to be refreshed -> the HT and HTL exams are based 
on a LOT of information that has to be> LEARNED and APPLIED.> > The other 
concern I have is that the 3 flashcards they show as examples are> still 
MEMORIZED information. What test takers have problems with are the> 
PROBLEM-SOLVING and TROUBLESHOOTING aspects of the HT and HTL exams. Yes,> they 
need to know what the oxidizer in the retic stain is, but they also> need to 
know how to tell if it isn't working, or what to do if they run out,> etc.> > 
So I'd love to hear from someone involved with writing these> flashcards/study 
guides, and would love to hear from someone who actually> bought them and used 
them.> > Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS> Beaumont Hospital> Royal Oak, MI 48073> > 
-----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Kristen> Yaros> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 4:12 PM> To: 
Histonet> Subject: [Histonet] HTL Flash Cards?> > Has anyone heard of these? I 
just came across this site and was wondering if> anyone has used these pre-made 
flash cards.> > http://www.flashcardsecrets.com/histotech/> > --> Kristen 
Yaros, HT (ASCP)CM> Histotechnology Society of Delaware> Correspondence 
Secretary> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> _______________________________________________> 
Histonet mailing list> Histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu> 
http://lists.utsouthwestern.edu/mailman/listinfo/histonet> > > 
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