We use Downy on bones which have not been fully decaled.  We face the block, 
then put soak it in Downy for 5-10 minutes, even longer sometimes.  We cut 
the block last.  We seem to be able to get a good section from the first and 
second cuts.  The only problem we have had is that the first "scent" of the 
softener was too sweet and we hated smelling it.  We chose another scent for 
the next container.  I have no idea why it works, but it does.

Cheryl Crowder, BA, HTL(ASCP)
Chief Technologist
Anatomic Pathology
Department of Pathobiological Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Skip Bertman Drive
Baton Rouge, LA  70803

FAX:  225-578-9720
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