Thanks for the nod Gayle. We've converted to Rockland goat anti-GFP after 
having some reproducibility issues with the rabbit polyclonal we were using 
from Novus.

I agree with your recommendation to use an indirect IHC method to increase the 
signal. If she's using a rabbit anti-GFP/Alexa 488 she can still come back with 
an anti-rabbit Alexa 488 and see if that increases the signal that way. She 
might also try a biotinylated anti-rabbit, and come back with a Streptavidin 
Alexa 488. I so do not like FITC, have watched it photobleach as I was viewing 

I will leave it to my IHC Specialist to give the details of her experience with 
using the Rockland goat antibody. I think it works equally well using antigen 
retrieval or Proteinase K on formalin fixed paraffin embedded animal tissues. 
And she's used it both with the goat polymer kit and regular anti-goat Alexa 

Sharon, care to elaborate on the details of your staining protocols?


-----Original Message-----
From: Gayle Callis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 11:04 AM
To: MaryAnn Dixon;
Cc: Johnson, Teri
Subject: Re: [Histonet] anti-GFP

The problem may be that you are using a directly conjugated antiGFP rather than 
a rabbit antiGFP followed by coming back with a secondary conjugated to Alea 
Fluor 488.  This is called quenching, a phenomenom, where fluorophore moleculas 
too close together on cells or in tissues tend to cancel out the fluorecsing 
ability of the fluorophore.  You should go onto internet and look at a 
fluorescence Jablonski diagram which show how this occurs, Olympus website also 
wonderful discussions in pdf form, for all fluorescence applications, including 
this diagram - for confocal and fluorescent microscopes.

I suggest you stain for GFP (Teri Johnson method) where you retrieve, use a 
rabbit antiGFP, then come back with a secondary either conjugated to FITC 
(Jackson has excellent antibodies, or one of the Cy fluorophores, or better
yet, Goat antirabbit-Alexa 488.   Be sure you use Molecular Probes Prolong
gold antifade mounting media after staining - this is superior for preventing 
fading of fluorophores, even 488.  Not all aqueous mounting medias will prevent 
fading of fluorophores, even the Alexa dyes.

  Teri recommends rabbit antiGFP rather than Goat antiGFP for paraffin work, as 
the rabbit hosted antibody gave less background than the goat antiGFP.

One can also purchase Rabbit antiGFP from Rockland.

I made a CC to Teri Johnson so she is in this email loop.  You may want to 
discuss this problem with her, and what antigen recovery method she prefers.

If worse comes to worse, and you can't afford another antibody, use the 
antiGFP-488, come back with an antiAlexa 488 (Molecular Probes) and detect that 
antibody with an antibody that has FITC, or the appropriate fluorophore.  A 
round about way, but the same type of technic used to detect FITC.

Gayle M. Callis

----- Original Message -----
From: "MaryAnn Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:19 AM
Subject: [Histonet] anti-GFP

Hi histonetters,

I stumbled into immunofluorescence for the first time and could use some 
advice.  I am trying to stain GFP on formalin fixed paraffin embedded sections. 
 I have a conjugated alexa fluor 488 anti-gfp antibody from invitrogen that 
I've now found out was not tested on paraffin sections. I have seen articles 
supporting and denying that it works. In addition, do I retrieve or not as 
again, I've seen literature supporting both. Moreover, one article cut sections 
at 12 microns.  My protocol for my first run consisted of a protein block for 
10 minutes, blowing off, 1:400 of the conjugated alexa fluor 488 ant-gfp 
antibody for 1 hour at room temp., buffer rinse, DI water rinse, aqueous 
mounting medium, and coverslip.  To my best ability I performed everything in 
the dark.  The results were that I had no fluorescing whatsoever!!  Any help 
would be appreciated.

MaryAnn Dixon  BS

Biological Scientist

Anatomic Pathology

UF Veterinary Medical Center

(352) 392-2235 Ext. 4517

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