I have a student who asked if I could post this question to the Histo-list.
I told her how all of you seem to be very helpful and perhaps some of you
know the answer to her question:

Dear all,

I am looking for a good "catch-all" antibody for neuronal intermediate
filaments (NF-L, NF-M and NF-H). Since they're generally expressed
together in each neurofilament I'm not interested in any one of them
specifically, but want to avoid using a cocktail of antibodies, as
this could get expensive. Basically, I just want to show that a subset
of axons contains neurofilaments with a reliable antibody, but the
particular protein or phosphorylation state doesn't matter. Any
suggestions you could offer would be incredibly helpful!

Sincerely, Eve Schneider


Margaret E. Bisher
Electron Microscopy & Histology Core Facility Manager
Department of Molecular Biology
Princeton University
Moffett Laboratory, Room 113
Princeton, New Jersey
Office: (609) 258-7026
Fax: (609) 258-8468


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