
I learned this trick from several of my expert bonehead colleagues who worked 
with some huge bone blocks in MMA.  Be prepared to spend time doing this 

It is a called the "layering" technic, but it prevents an explosion of bubbles 
when the MMA suddenly decides to polymerize.  

You can use prepolymerized layers, and we used Rubbermaid square plastic 
containers with snap top lids or Nalgene very wide mouth bottles/jars that have 
external threads for the white lid.    

Making prepolymerized layers is a good way to reuse your last MMA infiltration 
mixture waste.  You can make the layers after embedding.  It is important at 
any time to put a lid on top of your containers when making prepolymerized 
layers or when performing the layering technic.  You must maintain the proper 
mixture balance or the monomer evaporates, leaving behind a seemingly properly 
polymerized plastic which in fact is not the case.  You will end up with an 
ugly depressed surface that is funky looking, not a good thing to have happen 
and lousy as flat surface on which to lay your sample.  

Layering Embedding: 

Add approximately a half inch a to 3/4 of an inch of embedding mixture to the 
prepolymerized layer, place bone on top of this, and seal with lid.  Stack 
inside a hood at RT.  This embedding mixture should be polymerized before you 
add another layer of embedding mixture, so it may take several days to layer, 
polymerize, layer, polymerize, etc until you are finished.   Buy a cheap metal 
cooking spoon or use a wooden tongue depressor to scoop i.e. baste MMA over the 
top of bone. Replace the lid, and be patient. 

 The bone sometimes turns white due to exposure to the air or whatever but this 
is prevented by the described "basting" the bone a several times, daily or more 
- to coat it with the MMA embedding mixture.  MMA in large quantities is touchy 
and really dislikes extra heat.  Polymerization will slow if put in 
refrigerator (not good due to no fume control).  Don't worry about adding 
non-polymerized plastic to the prepolymerized layer, as there is a smooth 
interface caused by the monomer dissolving a few mm of the pre- polymermized 
MMA.   This is ideal since it forms a very tight bond after polymerization.   

You will see the differences in the layers as they polymerize, but if you add 
heat, a horrible mass of polymerized bubbles occurs, which means you have to 
grind the bubbles away and reembed the infiltrated bone.  Been there, done 
that, and had to close a door due to inappropriate word usage shocking to my 
fellow workers. 

Your embedding mixture does not have to be made up daily, and make up no more 
than 500 mls at a time, but store in a tightly sealed bottle, in the 
refrigerator, and use it within 7 days. 

Always warm the MMA to RT before adding to the embedded bone - you must avoid 
water condensation contamination.  We have blocks where some of the bone sticks 
out of the top of block, and it is coated with MMA, and without sample turning 
white. The block is perfecty clear, like a museum display piece.   The screw 
top lid was the best method to prevent spills.  I stacked containers up in the 
hood (always left ON) for both bone embedding/polymerization and making 
prepolymerized layers.  

After you are finished with embedding, make sure the top layer is above the 
bone unless you don't need that part of sample, and put the block in 60C oven 
for an hour or so to cure.  You will smell the toxic fumes, so be very careful 
- the refrig should be vented into a hood or in the hood.  Avoid a slightly 
tacky, sticky top block going into 60C - it will bubble at that part of layer.  

We did a baby alligator head along with some other large bovine and goat bone, 
and it took close to a month or longer,  but we were ultimately very patient 
and had perfectly clear embedded sample.   There is no STAT work when dealing 
with large bone in MMA.  

My favorite MMA mixture came from Diane Sterchi, and I never had problems after 
I started using her mixture and the layering method.  I would be happy to send 
that procedure to you if you like. Her mixture contained prepolymerized PMMA 
powder which helped the polymerization get started.   I will be off Histonet 
after this message, so respond to my personal email address

Gayle M. Callis
Histonet mailing list

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