As always, I turn to Those Who Know These Things.  I am ashamed, but I
do not have my processor attached to a surge protector or UPS
(uninterruptable power supply with surge protector thingy) - I am
suffering pangs of guilt and, at the same time, recovering from this
morning's service call to repair a melted power supply.  Not wanting to
do this again, I'm asking for recommendations on a reasonably-priced
(that's all relative, I'm sure) UPS or hefty surge suppressor for my
ASP300.  I have the info I got from Leica when I took the training, but
I would rather not have to install a unit INTO the processor; I prefer
an external.  Should I pack myself off to Radio Shack or could you
provide Serious Moral Guidance.  And my middle name is not "Brevity".


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 4700

Albuquerque, NM  87106



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