HI, All,

One project finished, another just beginning. I am about to embark on a journey into the land of immunohistochemistry, with late mouse embryos E14.5, E16.5, P0 to examine bone markers in conjunction with LacZ and/or GFP.

We have sadly lost our cryostat (so IHC for the GFP on paraffin sections), and our tissue processor - both belonged to a friendly investigator down the hall who has moved on. So, I am processing by hand.

For hand-processing, I have had to do some rigging, and I do the wax steps in a hyb oven to try to keep the wax (TissuePrep, Fisher) at around 63-65C, while trying my best to keep the molds, cassettes, and tools with as few giant globs of solidifying wax as possible. As a result of using the hyb oven, we are forced to use Clearene (D-limonene), --or some other xylene substitute that could be recommended--, instead of xylene for the processing. If anyone has a recommendation for a better alternative there (aside from a tissue processor which will have to wait at least until the next grant gets funded--oooh, unless someone has an old one they want to donate, preferably table-top), I'm all ears.

My schedule was given to me by a friend who does cartilage, no older than E14.5, and are basically half hour steps for each ethanol, half hour steps for 3 wax steps at the end. Will this be enough time for infiltration of older samples without vacuum? Should I increase my steps to 1 hour for these older embryos? I am optimizing my fixation at 1hour/mm thickness, with the embryos skinned (4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, I decided to start here since I don't yet know much about the problems I might encounter with a particular antigen). I have tried the 30 minute schedule with adult decalcified bones and have not had fantastic sections. I suspect it could be incomplete washing of the EDTA before infiltration, but it's possible that the processing schedule is just not long enough. Any advice?

Thanks in advance! Happy Friday!

Nicole Collette
Lawrence Livermore National Lab/ UC Berkeley

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