Good Morning,
I have an investigator who is bringing me rat brains that have been injected with gelatin beads. I'm sectioning through the injection site(s) and she is hoping to see the beads. BUT even though the injection sites are easy to see there are no gelatin beads present. My question is, are they being washed out somehow by fixation/processing or dropping out in the waterbath as she is telling me? Or are they melting in the paraffin steps (60 degrees)? If either of these are the case I'm thinking that frozen sections might be the solution?
Sorry I don't have more info on the beads. I'll try to get that today.
: Andrea Grantham, HT(ASCP)     Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy     :
: Sr. Research Specialist       University of Arizona               :
: (office:  AHSC 4212)          P.O. Box 245044                     :
: (voice:  520-626-4415)        Tucson, AZ  85724-5044    USA       :
: (FAX:  520-626-2097)          (email:       :

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