This is a resend of a previous message that seems to have been chopped
   to pieces in cyberspace.

   Hope this one comes through better:

   I prefer to use iron gallein elastin stain for demonstrating

   elasti fibers.  It is simple to make up and gives good contrast

   compared to some of the other stains.  Nuclei stain dark blue,

   elastin fibers black, everything else is pink or light  purple.  The

   protocol can be found in Humanson's Animal tissue techniques

   and  the  original  article  is  by Churukian and Schenk (Stain Tech.,

   I can provide a protocol in .doc format I can send, along

   with any notes, if you don't have access to either source.

   Current   suppliers   of   gallein  are  Fisher  Scientific,  Spectrum

   and  Spectrum has it cheapest.  Good luck.


   Matthew T. Close
   Lehigh University
   Department of Biological Sciences
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