Hi, I just began to work with the methy methacrylate embedding plastic section. 
I am facing the difficulities to attach the sample on the glass slide.
I have tried using Haupts adhesive coated slides and also the bond-rite slide 
to attach my 5micron sample. I am doing normal hematoxylin and eosin staining. 
The section always detach from the glass slide towards the end of the staining. 
I need to use the concentrated Haupts adhesive coated slide to reduce the 
chance for the section from lift up from the glass slide. However, I observed 
the high and dirty background after the staining.
I noticed that some users are using Bond-rite slides to attach their samples. I 
tried this. However, the sections always lifted up towards the end of the 
staining. I am not too sure whether is my technique that giving me this kind of 
problem. I prewarmed the Bond-rite slides and put my sections in the 55C 
waterbath. Then I fished the section using the Bond-rite slide and lay it down 
on 55C heater. And finally in the oven incubator for more than 18 hours at 55C 
before staining...
I would appreciate if there is any suggestion that can help to attach the 
section on the glass slide. 
Thank you very much!
Yours sincerely,

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