Hi Sara,
I for one will be sad to see your absence.  Perhaps in the future, you will 
reconsider and join our group again.  It is extremely unfortunate to see these 
grown men acting like FOOLS!  

I have been pretty much a voyeur as of late, unless I have something credible 
to say or ask, but I feel the urge to state my feelings as a fellow 
histologist.  And by the way, there are a number of extremely prominent 
histologists and pathologists that have stated they are voyeurs too!  They may 
not go on line, but they see your postings!  They have all taken note of this 
stupid on-line communication.  I don't think these individuals realize that the 
pathology community observes these communications, and this may come back to 
bite them in the butt later on down the line!  It lowers the image of these 
individuals as professionals, and their names and verbiage are forever archived 
in our memories.  "Once you ring the bell, you can't un-ring it"!
The Histonet Forum was initially created and funded by histology vendors and 
concerned histologists to help us as a group.  I maybe wrong, but I thought 
it's purpose was to expand our knowledge in this valuable profession.  I have 
been utilizing this wonderful tool, since almost the beginning.  It was an eye 
opening experience when I started seeing pathologists joining in.  It made me 
realize that they too saw the merit in this wonderful tool for sharing our 
knowledge and experiences.  

I have been involved in histology since taking classes in histomicrotechnic at 
Tokyo University in 1968.  The older I get, the more I realize how little I 
know.  Especially with the use of molecular biology, and more and more esoteric 
testing.  We are experiencing a metamorphosis in our field, and forums such as 
this, are extremely valuable!
Those of us who use this tool, do so, because we care about giving the best 
possible patient care.  At least I use to think so........ This is a wonderful 
tool for histologists, researchers, and concerned pathologists, to come 
together for the sole purpose to learn and grow (then there's the Friday good 
hearted release of steam....)  The Histonet is especially important for those 
individuals who are geographically isolated, and do not have the means to 
attend continuing education classes. 
It is my belief that the Histonet was never intended to be used as a tool as 
these individuals have so irresponsibly done.  It is childish and 
unprofessional.  This sort of use just shows how unthinking and selfish these 
individuals are.  I am ashamed that the pathology community sees this sort of 
communication between histologists.  It demeans us as a whole.  I don't think 
these men realize what fallout may occur.  We may have this taken away from us 
because they have not used their good judgement, common sense, and restraint!  
I realize that in the past, I too may have spoken a little out of turn, but 
this thread has become an embarrassment.
I have recently accepted a employment opportunity to go back to managing a 
histology lab, and will ask my fellow histologists for their assistance.  
I truly hope there will be a Histonet available when I need you!
Let's hope we can learn from this experience and move on.........  
Akemi Allison-Tacha BS, HT (ASCP) HTL


Phoenix Lab Consulting

Specializing in Histology, SS, IHC, & TMA

Tele: (425) 941-4287

E-Mail: akemiat3...@yahoo.com

--- On Mon, 4/6/09, Breeden, Sara <sbree...@nmda.nmsu.edu> wrote:

From: Breeden, Sara <sbree...@nmda.nmsu.edu>
Subject: [Histonet] I'm outta here
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Date: Monday, April 6, 2009, 8:43 AM

After almost 5 years of Histonet membership, I am taking a break and
unsubscribing. Why? Because I've had enough of the extraneous nonsense.
I'll unsubscribe as required but I'm telling you why you won't be coming
into this computer for a while.  This listserv has so much potential to
do good but some are just like the gangsta wannabees that use their
smarts for crap.  If I need help, I'll hit the books.  Ta-ta for now.


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 4700

Albuquerque, NM  87106



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