I read Sally's message a couple of times and I've come to realize that she's
right, it's time to go.


Recently, the list has been directed by a few persons with outsized egos who
are convinced that they (and only they), have all the right answers.


I don't think I need to name "names" here, all of us have seen examples of
their messages. 


Woe to those that have ideas that are at odds with this group. 


Increasingly the responses of these few are adversarial and rude if not down
right threatening.


Up to now I have stayed with Histonet because I thought that it offered
enough good material that I should overlook the excesses of the few.

What I realized today was that my staying provides implicit approval of the
bullying tactics that have come to be the accepted standard at Histonet.


Sorry, but in my view, the information is just not worth it any more.


Brian Chelack
Special Projects Manager
Prairie Diagnostic Services Inc.
52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4
Phone (306) 966-7211
Fax (306) 966-7244
Email brian.chel...@pds.usask.ca 

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