
Welcome back! We use 10% NBF also to fix our mouse & rat brains and spinal cords, and I use Ultrastick slides for sectioning (6 um sections are standard here, that's what my boss likes). I bake them in a 60 degrees C oven for 30 minutes-overnight (depending on my schedule). It's rare that I have tissue come off the Ultrastick slides during staining...but then I stain my slides manually since we don't have an autostainer yet.

Good luck,
Kathleen  Roberts
Principal Lab Technician
Neurotoxicology Laboratories
Dept of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers, the State University of NJ
41 B Gordon Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Breeden, Sara wrote:

Yes, I'm back.  I need the expertise of this group.

I am trying to convince my three pathologists that fixation in alcoholic
formalin is the best route for whole brain and spinal cord.  This has
been an uphill battle and in order to prevent sections from peeling off
during staining, I am still pre-drying necropsy brain slides for an
extra 20 minutes before putting on the auto-stainer (even this does not
prevent all instances). I need some expert ammunition for my "battle"
despite the fact that the SOP I've written requires it and it is rarely
followed.  If alcoholic formalin is not as good as some other method,
I'm open to suggestion. Of course, convincing them that thinner sections
would also help - but one step at a time!  Thank you in advance!

Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 4700

Albuquerque, NM  87106


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