Dear Histonetters,

This is my question regarding IHC staining and water temperature: does IHC 
staining depend on water temperature in washing step?

As always, I am using the same protocol for IHC. But one day it works 
perfectly, another day, on the same tissue, it does not work. Everything is 
same, solutions are fresh, and the only thing that is different is water 
temperature. I am using running distilled water before and after Antigen 
Retrieval step, after DAB, after counterstaining and after bluing reagent. 
Dd-water goes into autostainer: all blocking steps and after primary, secondary 
and tertiary. I am not using usual running water to exclude different Chlorine 
concentrations in different days.

Have anybody of you ever paid attention to running distilled water temperature? 
What water temperature (cold or warm) you will recommend for washing steps? If 
this is critical, I can prepare my water up front.

Hope to get an answer soon.

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