Dear ALL

My signature (see the very bottom of my email) has my location !!

ABU DHABI is the capital of the United Arab Emirates - about 160kms from
I am not permitted to discuss salaries but the current monthly salary of a
Senior Medical Technologist in this hospital is around 11 500 AED (thats the
currency of the UAE) - which is probably somewhere in the region of $3000 a

Remember that I need current proven IHC skills as well as general all-round
Histo lab experience
Your qualifications should be at least a 3 year Diploma level with a valid
licence to practice in Histology
 Please send me your CVs asap and I will pass them on to our Recruiment
department - include your contact details with an email address

2009/5/13 Anne van Binsbergen <>

> Hello Histonetters
> My Immuno tech has left and I urgently need a replacement
> Its a full-time position and requires good IHC experience as well as
> routine Histo experience - an all-rounder
> Need someone with at least 7-10 years experience as its a Senior post
> Anyone interested?
> Send me your CVs
> --

Anne van Binsbergen (Hope)
Abu Dhabi
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