
I think most techs I know are in the voluntary category you speak of.

Most are happy being microtome monkeys and never exploring the other 
possibilities in the field. Nothing wrong with that if that's what you want to 
do. Although there are many things you can do with - like anne said- applying 
what you know. 

As far as pathologists keeping you back -i think its just like any other 
business. The boss will always look to keep more money and will pay his workers 
the lowest he can. That's when you take your experience elsewhere, or simply 
stay somewhere for a while to learn and beef up that resume.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne van Binsbergen <>

Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 12:01:24 
To: Kemlo Rogerson<>
Cc: <>; Shea's<>
Subject: Re: [Histonet] HTL

well said!!
your statement: 'Only when we step from behind the skirts
of the Medics will the sun shine on us' deserves dissection (pardon the pun)

are we volutarily 'behind the medics"
are we conveniently 'kept' there by those same medics

medics=pathologists (some exceptions)

where i come from most of these 'medics' are running the (very lucrative)
private labs and the techs are kept 'lean and hungry' - they are 'worker
bees'' grateful for work and paid a pittance.

i once voiced my desire to take unpaid leave in order to study further and
was refused time off for this, on the basis that i would then cost more to

i have a 4 year diploma (now called a BTech degree) - i am licensed as a
 Medical Technologist with Cell Path Speciality.
i am neither an HT or an HTL.
i have 30 years experience and have been supervising/managing AP labs for
over 15 years
but because i dont have a degree i would most likely have a hard time
finding employment in the USA or Canada - your loss guys.
its not what you call it its how you apply what you know - having a degree
does not make you a good tech.

flame away!!

AnnieinArabia (out of Africa)

2009/7/15 Kemlo Rogerson <>

> Do you want the blunt truth?
> There's a perception, even within the other disciplines in Diagnostic
> Labs, that BMS's in Histology (HistoTechs) are second rate Scientists. I
> know that's an inflammatory remark but I've battled with it for years.
> Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Ots, Audiologists and Speech Language
> Therapists run Clinics treat Patients and are 'clinical'. The perception
> is that 'scientists' are not clinical and before we get appreciated for
> that we probably need to run Clinics ourselves but how do Histotechs/
> BMS's achieve that? In the UK scientific staff are slowly doing that
> with Anticoagulant Clinics, with advanced dissection and the reporting
> of cervical smears after achieving the appropriate level of
> qualification.
> I'm hoping one day that the 'glass ceiling' will be taken off the Path
> Labs and that a scientist will, after obtaining his/ her degree, Masters
> (or PhD), like the Clinical Scientists, obtain the MRCPath and then
> clinically lead a discipline. Only when we step from behind the skirts
> of the Medics will the sun shine on us.
> Does that help?
> Kemlo Rogerson MSc MIBiol CBiol DMS CSci FIBMS (I tried).
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shea's
> Sent: 15 July 2009 04:13
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [Histonet] HTL
> Michael,
> Ditto, very well stated. I too believe that our industry is under
> appreciated. Many new grads of today find a two year degree demeaning
> and wouldn't consider HT because of it. I don't understand how some
> professions like pharmacy & physical therapy gain respect and grow to
> create 5 yr, 6yr & 7yr programs. They are very well respected by the MDs
> and Hospital administration and have nice salaries to show for it.
> Why hasn't our field flourished?
> Jan, BS, HTL
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Anne van Binsbergen (Hope)
Abu Dhabi
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