I'm having a challenge wrapping my head around this one: my boss wants
to know why I need a telephone in my new lab in the new building we're
moving into in January.  Part of this is cost (what isn't a cost issue
these days??) but I am to come up with justification for having a
telephone IN  the lab. The new phones will be cordless but he wants the
phone to be in the hallway for what he deems a safety issue (I am not a
BSL3 lab).  The new phone system will be individual lines for specific
locations within our facility. I'm the only tech and I'll have a 22x22'
lab and the adjoining (with separate entrance) storage room/volatile
storage and I will be doing specimen cut-in in another area altogether.
I know I've left out some salient points so if you need more info AND if
you have some logical input, please ANSWER offline to me directly.  I
can't figure out why I would NOT need a telephone... egad!  I was asked
how many calls (in/out) I make/receive per month as a basis for the
decision.  OMG.


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 4700

Albuquerque, NM  87106



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