Hi Everyone
We have excellent news......!! we have just received this update from the New 
York State Office of Professions regarding the examination procedures and 
eligibility for licensing in NYS, Please see below.  
Since this is "hot off the press" information, I am sure there will be 
questions but please be patient as the procedures are formally written and 
posted on the website (http://www.op.nysed.gov/).  For those of you who want to 
be updated regularly on whats going on in NY, please join the New York State 
Histotechnological Society message board 
at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NYSHS1972/ If you have questions 
regarding licensing in NYS please feel free to contact us by email.
Luis Chiriboga & Amy Farnan,  NYSHS Legislative Committee

Within the past few weeks, our contract with ASCP for our candidates to use the 
ASCP exam for licensure as a certified histological technician has been 
approved by the State Comptroller and we have begun to implement the use of 
this examination.  Applicants for licensure as certified histological 
technician will use the same examination, during the five year period for the 
contract, as is used by ASCP for their certification purposes.  But, these are 
separate procedures.  Applicants for licensure pay the fee for the exam that is 
established by our contract, have scores reported directly to us, and have the 
right to take the examination as often as needed.  The same persons may also 
want a certificate from ASCP.  If so, they will have to apply to ASCP for this 
certificate, pay their fee, meet their requirements, and take the examination 
according to their specifications.  These are totally separate processes.  We 
simply contract for the examination
 and do not endorse the ASCP certification.  

For persons who have applied for this license recently, we may have issued a 
limited permit and they will have to take the examination prior to licensure 
during the one year period that the permit is valid.  There are also some 
persons who have received a limited license as a certified histological 
technician.  These persons will have to meet not only the examination, but the 
full education requirements.  

For those persons who hold a limited permit and did take and pass the 
examination after September 1, 2001, their examination results may be used for 
licensure purposes and they will not have to retake the examination.  Anyone 
who took the examination prior to September 1, 2001 will have to take the 
examination now for it to be used for licensure.  We have received a number of 
score reports from ASCP on applicants who now hold a limited permit, and we 
will now be processing the applications for licensure, as long as all 
requirements are met.

Finally, a note on another topic.  There are many persons who work as 
histological technicians who were originally licensed as certified clinical 
laboratory technicians and who may also be licensed as certified histological 
technicians.  The reregistration period for the license as a certified clinical 
laboratory technician may now be expiring.  These person have the choice of 
reregistering as a certified clinical laboratory technician or placing that 
registration in an "inactive status," (and they must inform us if that is their 
intention) or of maintaining both registrations, or of placing their 
registration, when it comes up, on an "inactive status."  Both licenses will 
continue unexpired for life unless removed by disciplinary action, but the 
person may only practice in the areas authorized under the scope of the 
profession in which they are licensed and registered.  The scope of both 
licenses authorize the practice of histological technician.


Dr. Kathleen M. Doyle
Executive Secretary
518-474-3817, ext. 150

Luis Chiriboga Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Vice President New York State Histotechnological Society
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