Hi all,

I just joined this mailing list, and I wonder if there is a subgroup or
another list for people who work often with the Exakt cutting and grinding
I use mainly Technovit 7200 and work with a lot of bone samples with some
kind of biomaterial. Recently I started working with stented arteries, and
had GREAT help with some issues from Gayle Callis and Lori Garcia. Thank you
again girls!
So, if there is a list or a group for "those people", where is it, or what
is the URL?

If not, I propose that we form one so we can help each other with these
interesting techniques. I am sure I am not the only one who has had more
than one "scratching the head" moments with those!

What do you think?

I am not sure if you can reply to this directly to my e-mail or if it has to
go to the histonet group. My gmail is clqsousa.


Carol Bain
Technical Research Assistant
Histopathology Services Laboratory
Comparative Pathology Deartment - Purdue University.
(765) 494 0581
Histonet mailing list

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