Hey Brandi,

In my experience carry over generally occurred at time of cut-up or embedding 
when tiny bit of tissue get stuck between the groove of the forceps, despite 
been wiped clean between each specimens, but if you are 100 % sure that carry 
over did not occurred at time of cut-up, or embedding but during processing but 
during processing and the tonsil tissue is definitely in the block I suggest 
that you use bio-wrap/tissue wrap. 


Malika Benatti 

Specialist BMS
Camelia Botnar Laboratories
Histopathology Department
Great Ormond Street Hospital
London WC1N 3JH
United Kingdom

Tel:  +44 20 7405 9200 ext 5475
Fax:  +44 20 7829 7875


Hello everyone.

     Today we have a problem with contamination.  The pathologist notes cells 
from tonsil specimens here and there on our GI biopsy slides.  The cells are in 
the block.  I'm trying to ascertain the source of the contamination.  
     The grossing pathologist grossed the tonsils AFTER all GI specimens 
yesterday (not source of contaminant).  We (the techs) embedded all GI 
specimens first, trimmed, cut, floated and stained ALL GI specimens BEFORE the 
tonsils (not source of contaminant).  The only other source of the 
contamination I can think of is from the tissue processor.  We have a Tissue 
Tek VIP closed processor.  Has anyone ever experienced any problems like this?  
We had a similar issue a few weeks ago.  I thought the contaminant cells may be 
from a bladder tumor, which had multiple sections submitted.  In this instance 
the cells showed up days work of the bladder tumor, and in the following days 
work also (though the pathologists could not say for sure the cells were from 
the bladder case).  We changed our formalin solutions in the processor and the 
problem did not present the next day.  We also started putting all bladder 
tumor specimens in the microcassettes, to prevent tissue from escaping.  Has 
anyone had any problem like this, or does anyone have any ideas on how to 
prevent this in the future?  We had not seen this problem until these past two 
incidences, and this tonsil problem is particularly strange to me because we 
process tonsils and GI specimens in the same workload on a regular basis and 
have never had this issue before.  Any help is appreciated!  


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